Tender: Auditor for GREENinMED Project

Arava Institute for Environmental Studies and Kinneret College on the Sea of Galilee


The GREENinMED Project, co-financed by the European ENI CBC MED Programme, seeks to increase the competitiveness of Mediterranean SMEs operating in the hotel industry, by applying innovative solutions to increase the efficiency in water and energy management. The aim is to reduce the consumption levels by 10%, through the new products/innovative solutions. Four partners from Spain, France and Israel compose the GREENinMED Consortium. The specific objectives of the project are the following ones: 1. Creating a cross-border network to identify and analyze the most important products/services that exist in eco-innovation matters for the hotel industry, in response to its actual needs. GREENinMED, through innovation vouchers, offer support to finance the necessary consultancy services to back up new products/services adopted by tourist SMEs, in order to become more efficient and competitive. 2. Improving eco-innovation ecosystems in water and energy, through financial support in the form of subsidies, allowing Mediterranean start-ups or innovating enterprises to generate new products/services. Likewise, the Project will encourage spin-offs through SME collaboration with joint venture partners.

2: Requirement of services:

The expenditure verification required by the implementing rules of the project shall be carried out by private external auditors. The auditor chosen must have a license issued by the Accountants Council, in accordance with the Accountant Council Law, 1955 , and be a member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Israel https://www.icpas.org.il/english/.

  • Auditing of financial procedures for Arava Institute for Environmental Studies and for Kinneret College on the Sea of Galilee, for the GREENinMed project.  Reference documents are attached. You can request the project budget and Grant Contract for the purpose of providing a price quote for the auditing.
  • Auditing of project expenses reports.
  • Auditing of 7 (4 Kinneret College and 3 Arava Institute) subgrantees expenses reports.
  • Participating in meetings about financial issues of the project staff if required
  • Participating in training for auditors organized by the Managing Authority of the project if required.
  • Time frame: Start immediately. Most of the work will be carried out during July-September 2023, but there are some tasks that will be carried out later this year after the review of the report by the project management.


  1. significant experience in auditing projects and grants given by European authorities.
  2. Must: English and Hebrew in mother tongue level
  3. license issued by the Accountants Council, in accordance with the Accountant Council Law, 1955.

3: Required timing: The project is time sensitive and reply within 2 workdays is required.

4: Format of the contract: attached.

5: Please reach out to us with your proposal latest by June 9, 2023 (noon). Please send two proposals, one for Kinneret College and one for Arava Institute. The work will be performed by the same supplier, but each organization will pay separately.

Contact: greeninmed.il@gmail.com;

For more information contact:

Ellen Elend Rif, Arava Institute for Environmental Studies, 052-4345685.

Valery Sardon, Kinneret College,  052-3749265.

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