The student deanship is the principal college body which deals with, and operates in, the full spectrum of topics relating to the welfare of the student. The deanship engages in financial assistance, allocation of scholarships based on financial difficulties (subject to the scholarship budget and predetermined criteria).
The student advancement service at the deanship helps students to realize their skills, and to cope with academic and personal difficulties during the course of their studies, to enable them to successfully complete their study requirements. We carry out our work through social workers, a learning disability counselor and the service personnel.
The Social Involvement Unit of the deanship oversees the social activities of the students who receive scholarships, who work in the local community.
The deanship’s activities are implemented in the following ways:
Academic support provided by a learning disabilities counselor and an accessibility counselor for students with learning disabilities, students with medicals disabilities and special needs, learning skills workshops, time management etc.
A MATAN (Support and Technology Center) class which helps students with special needs (class 6209, Triguboff). The center is equipped with the most advanced technology and offers a range of services tailored to students with special needs.
Group mentoring for Arabic-speaking students, overseen by an Arabic-speaking counselor, individual mentoring for first year Arabic-speaking students.
Emotional/individual support provided by a social worker.