Doctor Dina Shalem

School of Social Sciences and Humanities
Land of Israel Studies B.A, Land of Israel studies M.A

Selected Publications


2020 Aviam M. and Shalem D. The land of Lost Villages: Shomera Map Survey (3). Land of Galilee 6. Tzemach

2013 Shalem D.,  Gal Z. and Smithline H. Peqi‘in, a Chalcolithic Burial Site, Upper Galilee, Israel. Land of Galilee 2. Tzemach. 502 pages. 

Articles in Refereed Journals

        1. 2021. Rosenberg D., Liu L., Levine M.J., Klimscha F. and Shalem D. From Hangovers to Hierarchies: Beer production and use during the Chalcolithic period of the southern Levant–New evidence from Tel tsaf and Peqi‘in Cave. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 64.
        2. 2019. Ogloblin Ramirez I., Galili E., Be’eri R., Golan D., Krakowski M., Shalem D. and Shahack-Gross R. Heated mudbricks in submerged and coastal southern Levant Neolithic settlements: Diachronic changes in technology and their social implications. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports.

        3. 2018. Harney, É., May, H., Shalem, D., Rohland, N., Mallick, S., Lazaridis, I., Sarig, R., Stewardson, K., Nordenfelt, S., Patterson, N. and Hershkovitz, I., 2018. Ancient DNA from Chalcolithic Israel reveals the role of population mixture in cultural transformation. Nature communications, 9(1), p.3336.
        4. 2017. Shalem D. Cultural Continuity and Changes in South Levantine Late Chalcolithic Burial Customs and Iconographic Imagery: An Interpretation of the Finds from the Peqi‘in Cave. In D. Nadel, D. Rosenberg, D. Kaufman and G. Bar-Oz eds. Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society (Mitekufat Haeven) 47:148–170.

        5. 2015. Shalem D. Motifs on the Nahal Mishmar Hoard and the Ossuaries—Comparative Observations and Interpretations. In D. Nadel, D. Rosenberg, D. Kaufman and G. Bar-Oz eds. Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society (Mitekufat Haeven) 45:217–237.

        6. 2015. Ziffer I. and Shalem D. “Receive my breast and suck from it, that you may live”: Towards the imagery of two ossuaries from the Chalcolithic Peqiʽin Cave. Ugarit-Forschungen 46:455–488.
        7. 2014. Aviam, M. and Shalem, D. A Decorated Fragment of a Tyrian Lead Coffin from a Cemetery at Akhziv. Israel Exploration Journal 64/2. Pp. 208–211.
        8. 2012. Aviam M. and Shalem D. A Decorated Portable Reliquarium from Shave Zion. Liber Annuus 62:363–366.
        9. 2009. Shalem D. Results from a Salvage Excavation at Tel Kabri. ‘Atiqot 61:19–39.
        10. 2008. Shalem D. Middle Bronze Age II and Late Bronze Age II Burials at Tel Afeq (Tell Qurdana) in the ‘Akko Plain. ‘Atiqot 60: 93–114.
        11. 2004. Bar-Yosef Mayer D., Porat N, Gal Z., Smithline H. and Shalem D. Steatite beads at Peqi`in: long distance trade and pyro-technology During the Chalcolithic of the Levant. Journal of Archaeological Science 31:493–502.
        12. 2002. Shalem D. Neve Ur. ‘Atiqot 43:149–176.

        13. 2000. Shalem D. and Gal Z. A Sounding at Iron Age Tur‘an, Lower Galilee. ‘Atiqot 39:105–111.
        14. 1999. Gal Z., Smithline H. and Shalem D. New Iconographic Aspects of Chalcolithic Art: Preliminary Observations on Finds from the Peqi‘in Cave. ‘Atiqot 37:1–16.
        15. 1998. Segal D., Carmi I., Gal Z., Smithline H. and Shalem D. Dating a Chalcolithic Burial Cave in Peqi‘in, Upper Galilee, Israel. Radiocarbon 40:707–712.
        16. 1997. Gal Z., Smithline H. and Shalem D. A Chalcolithic Burial Cave in Peqi‘in, Upper Galilee. Israel Exploration Journal 47:145–154. 

Articles or Chapters in Scientific Books
(which are not Conference Proceedings) 

  1. Aviam M. and Shalem D. The Invisible Villages: Byzantine Ruins in the Thicket of the Upper Galilee. Forthcoming in a book in honor of Hillel Geva
  2. AviamM. and ShalemD. Three Unique Mausolea in the Western Galilee (Hebrew) Forthcoming In: On Cities, Monuments and Objects: Studies in Honor of Gabriel Mazor.
  3. Forthcoming. M. Aviam and Shalem D. Ruins of Byzantine Churches in the Thicket of Upper Western Galilee: Results from the Survey of the Shomera Map. In: Bring Them into the Land: Essays in Honor of R. Steven Notley.

  4. 2021. Aviam M. and Shalem D. ʿAqrav Valley. An Ancient Micro-Landscape Unit in Upper Galilee. In: R.K. Hawkins, D. Ben-Yosef and E. Gaß (eds.). נַחֲלָתוֺ: A Memorial Volume for Adam Zertal. Münster, DE: Ugarit-Verlag.

  5. 2019. Shalem D. Cohen-Weinberger A., Gandulla B. and Milevski I. Ceramic Conections and Regional Entities: The Petrography of Late Chalcolithic Pottery from Sites in the Galilee (Israel). In H. Goldfus, M.I. Gruber, Y. Shamir and F. Peter eds. Isaac went Out… to the Field: Studies in Archaeology and Ancient Cultures in Honor of Isaac Gilead. Pp. 262–277.
  6. 2008. Shalem D. Upper and Lower Galilee in the Chalcolithic Period. In Bar Shay ed. In the Hill-country, and in the Shephelah, and in the Arabah (Joushua 12,8). Studies and Researches presented to Adam Zertal in the 30th anniversary of the Manasse Hill-country survey. Jerusalem. Pp. 99*–110*.
  7. 2007. Gal Z., Shalem D. and Hartal M. An Iron Age I Site at Karmiel, Lower Galilee. In A. Ben-Tor, J.P. Dessel, G. Dever, A. Mazar and J. Aviram (eds) “Up to the Gates of Ekron”. Essays in honor of Seymour Gitin. Jerusalem. Pp. 119–131.
  8. 2007. Gal Z., Smithline H. and Shalem D. Gender and Social Hierarchy in the Chalcolithic Period in the Light of the Peqi’in Cave, Israel. In D.R. Edwards and C.T. MacCollough eds. Archaeology of Difference: Gender, Ethnicity, Class and the Other in Antiquity, Studies in Honor of Eric M Meyers (AASOR 60/61). Pp. 41–48.
  9. 2002. Shalem D. Khirbet er-Rujum in the Sharon Plain. In Z. Gal ed. Eretz Zafon. Pp. 51–79. Jerusalem. (Hebrew).

Articles in Conference Proceedings

  1. 2022. Brailovsky-Rokser L., Shalem D. and Birkenfeld M. Tracing the Neolithic Occupation of ‘En Esur (Israel) and the Question of the Archaeological Visibility of the Neolithic in the Archeological Record—the Lithic Perspective. (Proceedings of Tokyo PPN 9)
  2. 2014. Shalem D. Do the images on the Chalcolithic ossuaries comprise attributes?‎ In P. Bieliński, M. Gawlikowski, R. Koliński, D. Ławecka A. Sołtysiak and Z. Wygnańska eds. Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. Vol. 1.  Warsaw. Pp. 505–523.

Entries in Encyclopedias

2008. Gal Z., Shalem D. and Smithline H. ‎Peqi‘in Cave. In E. Stern ed. New Encyclopedia for Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land.Vol 5: 1993–1994. 

Other Scientific Publications

  1. 2022. Aviam M., Gonen I., Dray Y. and Shalem D. “Open Sesame!” —Vetical-Lift Doors Sealing Burial Caves in the Phoenician Galilee in the Byzantine Period. (Hebrew). Oadmoniot 163:47–49.
  2. 2014. Shalem D. Imagery in the Chalcolithic Period. In Masters of Fire: Copper Age Art from Israel. Exhibition Catalogue. New York and Princeton. Pp. 62–76.
  3. 2011. Gal Z., Shalem D. and Smithline H. The Peqi‘in Cave: A Cemetery in Upper Galilee. Near Eastern Archaeology 74/4:196–206.
  4. 1998. Gal Z., Smithline H. and Shalem D. Death in Peqi‘in. Archaeology Odyssey 1(4):52–61. 

Short reports

Various short excavations reports at:

Other Publications

1996. Gal Z., Smithline H. and Shalem D. A Chalcolithic Burial Cave in Peqi‘in. Qadmoniot 111:19–24. (Hebrew). 

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