Doctor Mechael Osband

School of Social Sciences and Humanities
Land of Israel Studies B.A, Land of Israel studies M.A

Selected Publications

Ph.D. Dissertation

Osband, M. 2014. Ceramic Ecology of the Golan in the Roman and Early Byzantine Periods. PhD Dissertation. Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan.‏

Advisor: Prof. David Adan-Bayewitz

Authored Books
Accepted for Publication

Osband, M. Pottery Production and Distribution in the Golan) in BAR International Series, currently in editing).

Refereed Articles in Scientific Journals

  1. David Adan-Bayewitz, Chaim Ben David and Mechael Osband. “Pottery Production Sites in Roman Gaulanitis: Identification and Investigation Using Evidence from Surface Surveys and Shovel Tests” In the Highland’s Depth 11 (2021), 5*-36*, 12-13.
  2. Osband, M. and Arubas, B. 2020. The Excavation of a Roman-Period Village and Synagogue at Majduliyya, Israel Exploration Journal 70/2: 189-214 
  3. Osband, M., Ben David, C, and Arubas, B. 2020. Roman-period synagogues of the Golan, Journal of Roman Archaeology 33: 401-416.
  4. Shivtiel, Y. and Osband, M. 2019. Unfinished Tunnels in Hiding Complexes: Horvat ʻAmmudim in the Lower Galilee as a Case Study, In the Highland’s Depth, Vol. 9: 41*–51*. 
  5. Osband, M. and Eisenberg, M. 2018. Inter-regional Trade in the Roman Period: A Diachronic Study of the Common Cooking Ware from Hippos of the Decapolis, Tel Aviv, 45(2):  273-288.
  6. Shivtiel, Y. and Osband, M. 2018. The Meiron Valley Cave Survey and the Use of Karstic Caves for Refuge in the Roman Period, ‏ In the Highland’s Depth, Vol. 8: 27*-43*. 
  7. Osband, M. 2017. The Common Local Pottery of Hippos in the Roman Period, Michmanim 27: 89-108 (Hebrew). 
  8. Ackermann, O., Greenbaum, N., Bruins, H., Ayalon, A., Bar-Matthews, M., Cabanes, D., Kolska Horwitz, L., Neumann, F.H., Osband, M., Porat, N., Weiss, E., and M. Maeir. 2016. Ancient Environment and Human Interaction at Tell Eṣ-Ṣâfi/Gath, Near Eastern Archaeology 80, no. 4 (2017): 244-46.
  9. Adan-Bayewitz, D, Asaro, F., Osband, M., Wieder, M., and Giauque, R.D. 2016. Pottery Production and Historical Transition: New Evidence from the Aea of Jerusalem in the Early Roman period, Cathedra 160: 7-28 (Hebrew). 
  10. Stern, I., and Osband, M. 2015. Excavations at Maresha, Subterranean Complex 90-Final Report, The Pottery and Small Finds, NGSBA Archaeology, Vol. 3: 175-203.


Accepted for Publication

  • Ben David, C. and Osband M. Rural Mamluk Period Settlements and Sites in the Southern Bilad al-Sham sub-districts of Baniyas, es-Sha’ara and Nawa. ZDPV
  • Osband, M. and Shivtiel Y. A Hiding Complex and Mikva at Khirbet Mishkana. PEQ

Refereed Chapters in Collective Volumes

  1. Osband, M. and Arubas, B. 2020. The Discovery of a Roman Period Synagogue in the Golan at Majduliyya, in L. Doering and A. R. Krause (eds.), Synagogues in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods: Archaeological Finds, New Methods, New Theories. In co-operation with Hermut Löhr. Ioudaioi 11. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht: 71-79.
  2. Kidron, A. and Osband, M. 2020.From a National Myth to Local Memories: Tel Hai in the Consciousness of Kiryat Shmona and the Upper Galilee, in Y.  Zerubavel and A. Goldstein (eds.), Tel Hai: 1920-2020, Between history and memory, Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi & Tel Aviv University press: 475-504.
  3. Shivtiel, Y. and Osband, M. 2019.  A Methodological Perspective on the Chronology and Typology of the Hiding Complexes in the Galilee, in M. Eisenberg and A. Ovadiah (eds), Cornucopia, Studies in honor of Arthur Segal, Rome, Giorgio Bretschneider Editore: 237-260.


Articles in Refereed Conference Proceedings

  1. Kidron, A. and Osband, M. 2020. A local perspective of commemorative heritage sites in northern Israel: Case Studies from the Tel-Hai Courtyard and Metzudat Koach, in R. Amoeda, S. Lira and C. Pinheiro, Heritage 2020Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Heritage, Barcelos: 89-101.
  2. Osband, M. 2017.  The Pottery from the Slik Reservoir and the Channel and its Implications, in K. Wellbrock (ed.), Cura Aquarum in Greece: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on the History of Water Management and Hydraulic Engineering in the Mediterranean Region, Athens, Greece, 28 – 30 march 2015, Schriften der Deutschen Wasserhistorischen Gesellschaft, Band 27-2, Siegburg: 558-576.

Unrefereed Professional Articles and Publications

  1. Osband, M. and Arubas, B. 2022. Majduliyya. Hadashot Arkheologiyot: Excavations and Surveys in Israel, 134.
  2. Pažout, A., Eisenberg, M., & Osband, M. 2021. El-Qus̱ayyiba (East). Hadashot Arkheologiyot: Excavations and Surveys in Israel, 133. 
  3. Pažout, A., Eisenberg, M., & Osband, M. 2021. Maqbarat Majdulya. Hadashot Arkheologiyot: Excavations and Surveys in Israel, 133.
  4. Pažout, A., Osband, M., & Eisenberg, M. 2021. ‘Uyun Umm el-‘Azam (West). Hadashot Arkheologiyot: Excavations and Surveys in Israel, 133.
  5. Ben David, C. and Osband M. 2020. The Byzantine and Early-Islamic Periods at Deir Aziz; A Methodological Question of Period Identification Between Survey and Excavation, Jubilee Volume for Jolanta Młynarczyk, University of Warsaw: 335-344.
  6. Ackermann, O. and Osband, M. The Geographical Setting, Geoarchaeology and Sedimentology of the Barnea Archaeological Site, in A. Golani (ed.), The Early Bronze Age site of Ashqelon Barnea. The Site and the Excavations. Volume 1. Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities Authority Reports. (in press).
  7. Osband, M. and Eisenberg, M. 2019. Charactering the Urban-Rural Relationship in the Golan, Et-Mol 261 (Hebrew): 6-10
  8. Osband, M., Adan-Bayewitz D., and Glascock, M. 2018. Production Provenances of the Restorable Pottery from a Destruction Levelof Mid‒Late Hadrianic Date at Khirbet Wadi Ḥamam, in U. Leibner (ed.), Khirbet Wadi Hamam, A Roman-Period Village and Synagogue in the Lower Galilee, Qedem Reports 13, Jerusalem: 402-415.
  9. Osband, M. and Eisenberg M. 2018. The Summary of the Pottery Finds, in M. Eisenberg (ed.), Hippos-Sussita of the Decapolis the First Twelve Seasons of Excavations 2000 – 2011, Vol. II, University of Haifa, Haifa: 210-275.
  10. Ackermann, O., Osband, M., Greenbaum, N., Bruins, H.J., Porat, N., Bar-Matthews, M., Almogi-Labin, A., Schilman, B., Ayalon, A., Kolska Horwitz, L., Wiess, E. and Maeir, A.M., 2015. Soil and Sediments as an Archive of Landscape History – The Case Study of Tell es Safi/Gath, in the East Mediterranean, in B. Lucke, R. Bäumler, and M. Schmidt (eds.), Soils and Sediments as Archives of Environmental Change. Geoarchaeology and Landscape Change in the Subtropics and Tropics Erlanger Geographische Arbeiten Band 42. Erlangen: Palm und Enke Verlag: 281-294.


Unrefereed Professional Articles Accepted for Publication

  1. Osband, M. and Arubs B., Majduliyya Preliminary Report, Hadashot Arkheologiyot.
  2. Pazout, A., Eisenberg, M. and Osband, M. Maqberat Majduliyya –Natur Tower, Hadashot Arkheologiyot.
  3. Pazout, A., Eisenberg, M. and Osband, M. el-Qusayyibe East, Hadashot Arkheologiyot.


Submitted Publications

  • Osband, M. Terra Cotta Roof Tiles in Ancient Synagogues

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