President and CEO
Have you ever tried walking around a huge object that is present in every moment of your life?!
Studied for an exam while you wait to marry your chosen one?…
Kinneret Academic College Amid Covid-19

Gideon Sheffer- Chairman of the Board
An Interview with Gideon Sheffer
Tell us a little about yourself
I was born into a religious family in Poland in 1948 – with the State of Israel…

The School of Social Sciences and Humanities celebrates a decade
Prof. Sibylle Heilbrunn, Dean of School of Social Sciences and Humanities:
The School of Social Sciences and Humanities is comprised of seven departments from diverse disciplines that award undergraduate degrees and three degrees…..

Kinneret College Announces the Establishment of a Quality Student Branch
Dr. Shalhevet Zur – Head of Department, Quality and Reliability Engineering in the Electronics Industry
On the 4th of February 2021 Kinneret College announced that it had begun…

Nice to meet you: Water Innovation Community, Kinneret Academic College
he Kinneret Academic College Water Innovation Community is part of a network of communities established in recent years in various fields (digital health, smart energy, smart transportation, etc.) created to encourage start-up innovation…

Student Union Chairman
Not just COVID – the Student Union continues full speed ahead
Vegetable Garden Project:
We would like to share with you a success story that combines student….

Program 45 for Training and Placement in Hi-Tech
A High-tech School / Innovation Authority track
In the beginning of October, we received a publication by the Israel Innovation Authority about the Emergency Incentive Program for Swift Training and….

The 6th Kinneret Conference on Education, Academia and Periphery / Topic: Communities through the perspective of time
During March 2021, the 6th Kinneret Conference on Education, Academia and the Periphery was held. Topics included virtual and physical communities, sustainability, water, community forestry, environment and climate…

Chai (18) Meters of underground pathway – makes all the difference
The new Kinneret underground pedestrian crossing is a life-saving project connecting the two campuses of Kinneret College – A dream come true. The crossing passes under Route 92, one of the busiest roads in the State of Israel….

Kinneret Innovation Center- What’s new?
Promoting regional youth!
As part of the Planning and Budgeting Committee flagship Community Involvement program, Kinneret Academic College, in collaboration with the Kinneret Innovation Academy, have over the past year, enabled seventh- through…