Letter from the President and CEO
The world we live in today, and our understanding that our surroundings are rapidly transforming, have greatly influenced our lives, including trends in the developing academic world….

Interview with Dr. Ami Appelbaum- the Chief Scientist and the Chairman of the Board of Israel Innovation Authority.
Amiram (Ami) Isser Applebaum is a doctor of materials engineering, scientist, entrepreneur, lecturer and senior business and technology manager at international high-tech organizations.

Kinneret Innovation Center- Connection between Academia and Industry
The Kinneret Innovation Center’s goal is to build a complete ecosystem and growth engine intended to support startups, high-tech and industry organizations in the Sea of Galilee region, as well as generate thousands of new opportunities for residents living in surrounding communities.

Projects Collaborating with Industry – Overview of Departmental Activities- Faculty of Engineering

Projects Collaborating with Industry – Overview of Departmental Activities- Faculty of Engineering
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Preparing student for professional success through Developing students’ 21st skills
In a constantly transforming world typified with increased competition, rising demands, and profound change in the nature of most professions c, 21st century skills are becoming critical for optimally integrating into the work force. There is an increasing agreement that One of the roles of academia is to develop these capabilities, and to provide graduates with a high value proposition for their future carreer. Kinneret Academic College is a pioneer in this field and works to advance skills, such as critical thinking and creativity, self-awareness and self-management, interpersonal communication andteamwork, flexibility and the ability to work in a diverse environment.

Student and Alumni Career Center at Kinneret Academic College
The Career Center at Kinneret Academic College has made it its mission to assist and train students and alumni to integrate into the employment market in positions that fit their field of study and academic training, as they begin their academic studies and not only towards graduation.
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Student Union – Mutual and Impactful Community Projects
The Student Union at Kinneret Academic College works hard to develop its connections with the college management and the community in which it operates.

Courses incorporating hands-on experience
Kinneret Academic College aims to provide its graduates with an excellent education in various fields, while also imparting social, national and personal values to help pave their way and to integrate into the labor market.

WaterEdgeIL Community
The Water Innovation Community was established in early 2021 and is part of a network of innovation communities supported by the Ministry of Economy, the Water Authority, and the Innovation Authority.