Interested in studying at the Kinneret Academic College?

    A Few Words from the Department Head

    A Few Words from the Department Head

    Dr. Riki Galia

    Department Head

    Behavioral sciences studies are intended for individuals who want to understand the wide-ranging psychological and sociological aspects of human behavior, and to translate this knowledge into scientific and practical work. The studies offer exposure to three main content worlds: psychology, sociology and anthropology, from which the core courses that make up the degree program are derived.
    The department curriculum enables program graduates to continue on to advanced degree studies related to these content worlds. Alongside the core courses the program fosters a connection to the practical world through a meaningful practicum in organizations and non-profit organizations.
    Behavioral Sciences studies provide a comprehensive academic and applied foundation for every student who seeks to develop and find their place in a wide range of professions, among them psychology, organizational consulting, educational counseling, human resource management and informal education.
    Studies in the department offer an enriching learning experience that combines tours, guest lecturers from Israel and abroad, conferences, tours, symposiums and community social involvement. The department encourages outstanding students to serve as teaching mentors and as research assistants in the academic faculty’s varied research programs.
    The academic faculty in the Behavioral Sciences department is involved in a range of studies in the content fields studied in the department as well as in relevant practical activities. The department’s academic faculty and I invite you to visit the college, to enjoy the breathtaking beauty of the Kinneret and experience the unique atmosphere of Kinneret College.

    Dr. Riki Galia
    Head of the Behavioral Sciences Department

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