Interested in studying at the Kinneret Academic College?

    Prof. Abraham Shitzer

    Prof. Abraham Shitzer

    The main aim of the School of Engineering is to train engineers in defined fields for the high-tech industry in Israel.
    In addition to the knowledge, degree and profession which the School provides it students, it also contributes to the development of Israel’s society and economy, particularly in the northern periphery areas. I am confident that an advanced industry can drive and ensure social and economic development.
    The School has 5 departments offering four-year engineering programs that award a B.Sc degree:
    Software Engineering
    Water Industry Engineering
    Electrical and Electronics Engineering
    Quality and Reliability Engineering in the Electronics Industries
    Gas and Petroleum Energy Engineering

    Each of the study programs includes a strong foundation in the basic sciences, in the engineering sciences and in a professional-engineering specialization. These are provided through courses, laboratory exercises and annual projects. During their studies students are also exposed to topics in the economic, management and entrepreneurial fields.
    Close ties with industry are one of the cornerstones of the School of Engineering. This relationship is reflected in a wide range of activities: visits to industrial companies and plants, guest lectures, projects under the guidance of experts from industry, joint conferences, lecturers with academic and practical experience, and help finding employment in industry to students during and after completing their studies.
    An advisory academic-industrial council operates alongside the School, and its members include leading figures in industry and the economy. The council accompanies the school and the study programs and strengthens the School’s ties with the various industries.
    The School of Engineering places the student at the center. In cooperation with the Student Deanship it devotes the utmost attention to each and every student and to their individual problems – academic, economic and social.
    I invite you to join the School of Engineering and to study towards an academic degree in one of the engineering fields of your choice. The engineering profession will open the door to employment and to a highly interesting, challenging, varied and long-lasting career.

    Dean of Achi Racov School of Engineering
    Prof. Avraham Shitzer

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      תמונה - סלדה אדריס

      סלדה אריס

      אחד היתרונות של הלימודים במכללת כנרת הוא שהלימודים מלאים בהבנת התעשייה והעבודה בפועל. הם מכינים אותך מבחינה הפרקטית לעבודה בתחום עוד לפני שהגעת לשם וזה מעבר ללמידה התיאורטית.

      Academic Staff