Interested in studying at the Kinneret Academic College?

    B.Sc. in Quality and Reliability Engineering in Industries

    Quality and Reliability Engineering in Industries – Pursue a Degree in Demand while Continuing to Work

    Do you want to study towards an engineering degree that is vital and in demand while continuing to work? The Quality and Reliability Engineering in Industries track was designed for you. Students in this track study engineering fields alongside management fields, aimed at training graduates as quality engineers who can fill management and professional positions related to quality and reliability that is so critical for industry.

    Why choose a degree in Quality and Reliability Engineering in Industries?

    Combine Work and Studies

    At Kinneret Academic College we understand that there are situations in life when you cannot stop working in order to pursue your studies. That is why we designed this track which is particularly suitable for working and busy individuals so that they can continue to make a living while at the same time acquiring a quality and useful profession.

    A Significant Profession in Demand

    The years you invest in this degree will pay off significantly, because after completing your studies you will have acquired a new profession that is in demand in every organization, as there is an understanding that a quality and reliability engineer is vital for the organization’s success.

    Specialize in Quality

    The degree provides an understanding of the wide range of organizational processes that lead to the production of a quality product, the supply of quality service and to high customer satisfaction.

    Professionalism above All Else

    Studies in this track provide knowledge and understanding in all relevant engineering and management fields, among them electronics, materials engineering, logistics and production management, in the aim of training professional quality and reliability engineers with extensive and comprehensive knowledge.

    How will these studies advance me professionally?

    Become a part of an intricate organizational array

    In carrying out their responsibilities, quality engineers must communicate with position holders in all the organization’s units as well as with its suppliers and customers. Therefore, throughout their training students study courses that will enable them to find their place in the intricate array of the organization’s activities, and understand how the organization operates in its close environment, and in respect of global organizations also in distant environments.

    Practical Aspects above All Else

    Program studies also include, among other things, experience in production plants and a final applied project. Thus program graduates enter the employment market after gaining experience not only in the theoretical, but also in the practical aspects of the profession.

    Why Study at Kinneret Academic College?


    At Kinneret Academic College we acknowledge the student’s decision and commitment to pursue academic studies. This is why we developed PERSONAL ACADEMY, a personal and innovative study environment that enables you to get more out of your studies and accompanies you personally until you receive the degree.

    PERSONAL ACADEMY includes individual meetings with lecturers, a personalized program tailored to your abilities and aspirations, small classes, studies at your pace, and a green and experiential campus on the shores of the Kinneret.

    High-Quality Professional Academic Faculty

    The department’s professional academic faculty members are leaders in their respective areas, come from the field and teach their students relevant and unique practices.

    Why is this Profession Necessary?

    Quality and reliability engineers are involved in the entire product or service lifecycle, from the conceptual stage through development and production and up to installation at the customer site and product retirement. The engineer must use advanced methods and tools to ensure the product meets operational and performance requirements and to prevent defects.
    International and successful companies understood that there is no substitute for high quality as a key factor in retaining satisfied and loyal customers over time. Satisfied customers remain loyal, and also recommend the product or service to their friends. Quality and reliability engineering is also involved in effective development, production and maintenance, which enables the company to provide customers with products at satisfactory prices and to make a profit. This is why the demand for good quality engineers continues to increase over time, offering you an opportunity to acquire a profession that is both in demand and important for the electronics industry.

    What Will You Study in the Quality and Reliability Engineering in Industries Program?

    • The first semester includes a preparatory program which prepares students for the study of basic engineering subjects.
    • After completing the preparatory program students study 160 credits in courses directly related to the degree that are spread out over 4.5 years.
    • Studies include tours and experience in plants and organizations, and end with an applied final project in which students apply knowledge, methods and tools acquired in the course of their studies to solve quality and reliability engineering problems in an organization.

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