Electromagnetics, Communication, System Engineering, Wearable systems, Antennas, Microwave

Doctor Albert Sabban
Senior Lecturer,
School of Engineering
Electrical and Electronic Engineering B.Sc
Areas of Expertise
Selected Courses
Communication systems, Electromagnetics, Antennas, Microwaved
Selected Publications
A. Refereed Journal Papers
1. A. Sabban, “Active Compact Wearable Body Area Networks for Wireless Communication, Medical and IOT Applications”. MDPI ASI, Applied System Innovation Journal. December 2018.
2. Reuven Shavit, Albert Sabban, Michael Sigalov, Avihai Lahman, Zeev Iluz, Naftali Chayat and Solon Spiegel “Microwave Engineering Research Activity in Israel”, IEEE Microwave Magazine, accepted for publication at April 2018.
3. A. Sabban, “New Wideband Passive and Active Wearable Antennas for Energy Harvesting Applications”, Journal of Sensor Technology, pp. 53-70, December 2017.
4. A. Sabban, “New Wideband Compact Wearable Slot Antennas for Medical and Sport Applications”, Journal of Sensor Technology, Dec.2017.
5. A. Sabban, “Active Wearable Printed Antennas for Medical and Commercial Applications”, Wireless Engineering and Technology Journal, November 2017.
6. A. Sabban, “Wearable Antenna Measurements in Vicinity of Human Body”, Wireless Engineering and Technology Journal, July 2016.
7. A. Sabban, “New Wideband Notch Antennas for Communication Systems”, Wireless Engineering and Technology Journal, pp. 75-82, April 2016.
8. A. Sabban, “Small Wearable Meta Materials Antennas for Medical Systems”, The
Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, Vol. 31, No. 4, April 2016.
9. A. Sabban “Ultra-Wideband RF Modules for Communication Systems”, PARIPEX,
Indian Journal of Research, Vol. 5, Issue 1, pp. 91-95, January 2016.
10. A. Sabban, “New Compact Wearable Meta-material Antennas”, Global Journal for
Research and Analysis, Volume IV, pp. 268-271, August 2015.
11. A. Sabban, “New Wideband Meta Materials Printed Antennas for Medical Applications”, Journal of Advance in Medical Science (AMS), Vol. 3, pp. 1-10, April 2015. Invited paper.
12. A. Sabban, “Wideband RF Modules and Antennas at Microwave and MM Wave
Frequencies for Communication Applications”, Journal of Modern Communication Technologies & Research, Vol. 3, pp. 89-97. March 2015. Invited paper.
13. A. Sabban, “Compact Wearable Tunable Printed Antennas for Medical Applications” Research in Health and Nutrition (RHN) Journal, Vol. 3, pp. 14-19. January 2015. Invited paper.
14. A. Sabban, “W Band MEMS Detection Arrays”, Journal of Modern Communication Technologies & Research, Vol. 2, pp. 9-13, December 2014. Invited
15. A. Sabban, “New Wideband printed Antennas for Medical Applications”, I.E.E.E Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, January 2013, Vol. 61, No. 1, pp. 84-91.
16. A. Sabban, “Comprehensive Study of Printed Antennas on Human Body for
Medical Applications”, Journal of Advance in Medical Science (AMS),
Vol. 1, pp. 1-10, February 2013. Invited paper.
17. A. Sabban and K.C Gupta “A Planar-Lumped Model for Coupled Microstrip Lines and Discontinuities”, I.E.E.E Trans. on M.T.T Vol. 40, February 1992, pp. 245-252.
18. A. Sabban and K.C. Gupta “Characterization of Radiation Loss from Microstrip
Discontinuities Using a Multiport Network Modeling Approach”, I.E.E.E Trans. on M.T.T Vol. 39, No. 4, April 1991, pp. 705-712.
19. A. Sabban and K.C. Gupta “Effects of Packages on Parasitic Coupling Among
Microstrip Discontinuities Using a Multiport Network Modeling Approach”,
Journal on Microwave and MM-Wave Computer-Aided Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 4, 1991, pp. 403-411.
20. R. Kastner, E. Heyman, A. Sabban “Spectral Domain Iterative Analysis of Single and Double- Layered Microstrip Antennas Using the Conjugate Gradient Algorithm”, I.E.E.E Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 36, No. 9, Sept. 1988, pp. 1204-1212.
B. Books
1. Albert Sabban (2018). “Wearable Communication Systems and Antennas for
Commercial, Sport, and Medical Applications”. IET Publication, December 2018.
2. Albert Sabban (2017).”Novel Wearable Antennas for Communication and Medical Systems”, TAYLOR & FRANCIS GROUP, October 2017.
3. Albert Sabban (2016).”Wideband RF Technologies and Antenna in Microwave Frequencies”, Wiley Sons, July 2016, USA.
4. Albert Sabban (2015).” Low visibility Antennas for communication systems”
, TAYLOR & FRANCIS GROUP, September 2015, USA.
5. Albert Sabban (2014). “Microwave Theory and Transmission Lines”, 2014,
Saar Publication, 2014, Israel.
6. A. Sabban, PhD Thesis,” Multiport Network Model for Evaluating Radiation Loss and Coupling among Discontinuities in Microstrip Circuits”, University of Colorado at Boulder, January 1991.
C. Chapters in Books
. 1. Albert Sabban (2013). Wearable Antennas in “Advancements in Microstrip and
Printed Antennas”, Ahmed Kishk (Ed.). ISBN 980-953-307-543-8, 2013. http://www.intechopen.com/books/show/title/advancement-in-microstrip-antennas-with-recent-applications. Intech Croatia.
2. Albert Sabban (2011). Microstrip Antenna Arrays, Microstrip Antennas, Nasimuddin Nasimuddin (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-247-0, InTech, Available from: http://www.intechopen.com/articles/show/title/microstrip-antenna-arrays. Croatia.