Dr. Shapira Noa


School of Social Sciences and Humanities
B.A. in Education and Community, B.A. in Human Resource Management, B.A. in Multidisciplinary Studies

Areas of Expertise

Multiculturalism, inter-group empathy, technology education, democracy education, Research Methods in Social Sciences – the qualitative approach

Selected Courses

 School – Culture and Society””
Life long learning””



Selected Publications

Book Chapter

Amzaleg, M., Dolev, N., & Shapira, N. (In press). The Impact of Emotional and Social Factors on Dealing with a Digital Gap in the Age of the Corona Crisis. In From crisis to opportunity – learning and teaching in the corona crisis in higher education in Israel. (In Hebrew)

Darmoni-Sharvit, D., & Shapira, N. (Forthcoming). The narrative approach to Shared Education. Activist pedagogy and shared education in divided societies: International perspectives and next practices. Kibbutzim College, Israel; Queen’s University, Northern Ireland; Bar Ilan University, Israel.

Articles in Refereed Journals

Amzalag, M., & Shapira, N. (2021). Improving Intergroup Relations Through Online Contact. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning22(1), 111-134. https://doi.org/10.19173/irrodl.v22i1.5098 (IF: 0.734 – Q1, H Index 36)

Amzalag, M., Shapira, N., & Dolev. N (2021). Two Sides of the Coin: Lack of Academic Integrity in Exams During the Corona Pandemic, Students’ and Lecturers’ Perceptions. Journal of Academic Ethics. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10805-021-09413-5 (IF: 1.48 – Q1, H Index 20)

Shapira, N. & Amzalag, M. (2021), “Online joint professional development: a novel approach to multicultural education”, Journal for Multicultural Education, Vol. 15 No. 4, pp. 445-458. https://doi.org/10.1108/JME-07-2021-0109 (IF: 0.67 – Q1, H Index 8)

Shapira, N., Kali, Y., Kupermintz, H., & Dolev, N. (2020). Utilizing Television Sitcom to Foster Intergroup Empathy Among Israeli Teachers. International Journal of Multicultural Education, 22 (3): 1–23.  http://dx.doi.org/10.18251/ijme.v22i3.2225. (IF: 1.24 – Q1, H Index 16)

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