Water treatment, hydrogeochemistry, treatment wetlands, nature based solutions

Doctor Ezra Orlofsky
School of Engineering
Water Industry Engineering B.Sc
Areas of Expertise
Selected Courses
Water and Wastewater microbiology, Statistics for Water Engineers
Additional Roles
Research fellow in biotechnology applications of confined environments, wastewater treatment consultant, founder of CoEnSci scientific cooperation for the environment.
Selected Publications
Simultaneous detection of Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium parvum (oo)cysts in soil using immunomagnetic separation and direct fluorescent antibody staining. Orlofsky E et al. J Microbiol Meth (2013) 94:375-377
Assessment of pathogenic bacteria in treated graywater and irrigated soils. Benami M, Gross A, Herzberg M, Orlofsky E, Vonshak A, and Gillor O. Sci Total Environ (2013) 458-460, pp 298-302.
Rapid MPN-Qpcr Screening for Pathogens in Air, Soil, Water and Agricultural Produce. Orlofsky E, et al. Water Air Soil Pollut (2015) 226: 303
Comparable levels of microbial contamination in soil and on tomato crops after drip irrigation with treated wastewater or potable water. Orlofsky E et al, Agr Ecosyst Environ (2016) 215, 1:140-150
Sexual dimorphism in the response of Mercurialis annua to stress. Orlofsky E, et al, Metabolites (2016), 6(2), 13; doi:10.3390/metabo6020013
Using reclaimed wastewater for agriculture: Health aspects. Orlofsky E, Bernstein N, Gillor O. In review, Irrigation Science
Halophyte-Zeolite improvement of Sodium Adsorption Ratio in agro-industrial effluents (in preparation). Orlofsky E, Chernoivanov S, Asiag A and Litaor MI