cluster algebras, Poisson structures on coordinate rings of simple Lie groups

Doctor Idan Eisner
School of Engineering
Areas of Expertise
Selected Courses
Calculus 1, Calculus 2
Selected Publications
• Eisner, I. “Exotic Cluster Structures on SL_n with Belavin-Drinfeld Data of Minimal Size, I.
The Structure“, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 218(1):391–443, 2017.
• Eisner, I. “Exotic Cluster Structures on SL_n with Belavin-Drinfeld Data of Minimal Size, II.
Correspondence between cluster structures and BD triples“, Israel Journal of Mathematics,
218(1):445–487, 2017.
• Eisner, I. “Exotic cluster structures on SL_5” , Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and
Theoretical, 47(47):474002-474024, 2014.
• Eisner, I. and Vainshtein, A. “Domination analysis for scheduling on non preemptive uniformly
related machines.” DMTCS Proceedings 01 (2012): 81-82.