Early christianity
Church history
Monastic studies
Pilgrimage and religion
Byzantine studies
Classical studies

Prof. Jacob Ashkenazi
Senior lecturer,
Academic Staff
Land of Israel Studies B.A
Areas of Expertise
Selected Courses
Introduction to Religion””
Monks and Monasteries in Late Antique Palestine””
Selected Publications
M.A Thesis
Pagans and Paganism in Byzantine Palestine, Haifa University 1990, Supervised by Prof. Uriel Rappaport (Hebrew).
Ph.D. Dissertation
The Patriarchate of Jerusalem: Its Organization and its place in the Christian society of Byzantine Palestine, Haifa University 2000, Supervised by Prof. Uriel Rappaport & Prof. Joseph Patrich.
Scientific Books (Refereed)
Authored Books
- Ashkenazi, J. The Mother of all Churches: The Church of Jerusalem from Its Foundation to the Arab Conquest, Yad Ben-Zvi, Jerusalem 2009 (Hebrew) 438p.
Edited Books and Special Journal Issues
- Peleg-Barkat, O., Ashkenazi, J., Leibner, U., Aviam, M., Talgam, R (eds.), Between Sea and Desert: On Kings, Nomads, Cities and Monks: Essays in Honor of Joseph Patrich, Ostracon, Tzemach 2019 (Hebrew and English), 513p.
- Mor, M., Pastor, J., Ashkenazi, J., Ronen, I (eds.), Uriel: Papers Submitted to Uriel Rappaport, Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem 2006 (Hebrew, English and French), 630p.Articles in Refereed Journals
- Ashkenazi, J. “St. Konon of Pamphylia: Scales of Veneration and Local Identity in Late Antiquity”, Journal of Early Christian Studies 30.3 (2022), pp. 433-462.
- Ashkenazi, J. “Family and Religion in Late Antique Rural Levant: Epigraphical Observations”, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 215 (2020), pp. 135-146.
- Ashkenazi, J. “Kerygmatic Landscapes of the Galilee and the Quest for the Historical Jesus”, Early Christianity (EC) 10.3 (2019), pp. 333-359.
- Ashkenazi, J., Aviam, M., Grinberg, R., Tal, O. “A Byzantine Tombstone from Tel Bet Yeraḥ/Khirbat al-Karak (Israel)”, Scripta Classica Israelica 38 (2019), pp. 129-137.
- Ashkenazi, J. “Family Rural Churches in Late Antique Palestine and the Competition in the ‘Field of Religious Goods’: A Socio-Historical View”, Journal of Ecclesiastical History 69.4 (2018), pp. 709-727.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0022046918000015 - Ashkenazi, J., Aviam, M. “The Jewish Elite of Sepphoris in Late Antiquity: Indications from Burial Inscriptions”, Journal of Jewish Studies 68.2 (2017), pp. 308-323.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18647/3327/JJS-2017 - Ashkenazi, J., Aviam, M. “Monasteries and Villages: Rural Economy and Religious Interdependency in Late Antique Palestine”, Vigiliae Christianae 71 (2017), pp. 117-133.
DOI: 10.1163/15700720-12341297 - Aviam, M., Ashkenazi, J. “Late Antique Pilgrim Monasteries in Galilean Loca Sancta”, Studium Biblicum Franciscanum–Liber Annuus 64 (2014), pp. 559-573
- Ashkenazi, J. “Holy Man Versus Monk – Village and Monastery in the Late Antique Levant: Between Hagiography and Archaeology”, Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 57.5 (2014), pp. 745-766.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1163/15685209-12341363 - Ashkenazi, J., Aviam, M. “Horvat Bata: A Village and its Monasteries: A Study of a Rural Landscape in Late Antique Palestine”, Cathedra 147 (2013), pp. 7-32 (Hebrew, English Abstract).
- Ashkenazi, J., Aviam, M. “Monasteries, Monks and Villages in Western Galilee in Late Antiquity”, Journal of Late Antiquity 5 (2012), pp. 269-297.
- Ashkenazi, J. “The story of the Seven Deacons and the Formation of the Universal Church”, Zmanim, Historical Quarterly 120 (2012), pp. 64-69 (Hebrew).
- Ashkenazi, J. “Pagan Worship in Palestine in the Byzantine period”, Michmanim 8 (1995), pp.53-62 (Hebrew, English Abstract).
- Ashkenazi, J. “Paganism in Gaza in the Fifth-Sixth Centuries C.E.,” Cathedra 60 (1991), pp.106-115 (Hebrew, English Abstract).
Accepted for Publication.
- Ashkenazi, J. “Constructing Monastic Landscapes of Southern Levant: Text and Context in the Letter of the ‘Archimandrites of Arabia’”, Studies in Late Antiquity (2022).Articles or Chapters in Scientific Books
(Which are not Conference Proceedings)
- Kohn-Tavor, A., Ashkenazi, J., Aviam, M. “Excavations of Three Byzantine Churches in the Western Galilee: Two Churches at Horvat Karkara and the Eastern Church at Horvat Eirav, a Preliminary Report”, in Coniglio A., Ricco A. (eds.), Holy Land: Archaeology on Either Side. Archaeological Essays in Honour of Eugenio Alliata, ofm (SBF Collectio Maior 57), Edizioni Terra Santa, Milan 2020, pp. 1-10.
- Di Segni, L., Ashkenazi, J. “Newly Discovered Inscriptions from Three Churches in Upper Western Galilee”, in A. Coniglio and A. Ricco (eds.), Holy Land: Archaeology on Either Side. Archaeological Essays in Honour of Eugenio Alliata, ofm (SBF Collectio Maior 57), Edizioni Terra Santa, Milan 2020, pp. 303-321.
- Ashkenazi, J. “Private Churches in Late Antique Rural Palestine”, in Peleg-Barkat, O., Ashkenazi, J., Leibner, U., Aviam, M., Talgam, R (eds.), Between Sea and Desert: On Kings, Nomads, Cities and Monks, Essays in Honor of Joseph Patrich, Ostracon, Kyriat Tiveon 2019, pp. 189-198 (a shortened Hebrew version of Article No. 4 Section C).
- Ashkenazi, J. “Jerusalem in the Byzantine Period”, in Faust, A., Baruch E., and Schwartz, J (eds.) Jerusalem through the Ages, Bar Ilan university Press, Ramat-Gan 2017, pp. 227-260 (Hebrew.)
- Ashkenazi, J. Aviam, M., “Small Monasteries in Galilee in Late Antiquity: The Test Case of Karmiel”. In Bottini, G. C., Chrupcała, L. D., Patrich, J (eds.) Knowledge and Wisdom: Archaeological and Historical Essays in honor of Leah Di Segni, Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, Collectio Maior 54, Edizioni Terra Santa, Milano 2014, pp. 161-178.
- Ashkenazi, J. “Sophists and Priests in Late Antique Gaza According to Choricius the Rhetor”. In Biton-Ashkeloni, B., Kofsky, A (eds.), Christian Gaza in Late Antiquity, Brill, Leiden 2004, pp. 195-208.
- Ashkenazi, J. “Curing and Nursing in the Church of Jerusalem during the Byzantine Period”. In Amar, Z., Lev, E., Schwartz, J (eds.), Medicine in Jerusalem throughout the Ages, Tel-Aviv 1999, pp.33-49 (Hebrew, English Abstract).
- Ashkenazi, J. “Church Involvement in Medical Services in Byzantine Eretz-Israel”. In Illness and Healing in Ancient times, Exhibition Catalogue No. 13, the Reuben and Edith Hecht Museum, University of Haifa, 1996, pp. 46-51.
- Ashkenazi, J. “The Church and the leisure culture in Palestine during the Byzantine Period”. In Segal, A (ed.), The theatre Culture in Palestine and in the Classical World, Haifa 1994, pp.95-102 (Hebrew, English Abstract).
Accepted for Publication
- Ashkenazi, J. “Jerusalem in the Byzantine Period”, in Jerusalem Through the Ages, Faust, A., Baruch E., and Schwartz, J (eds.), Bar Ilan University Press, Ramat-Gan 2020 (English Translation of E4).
- Ashkenazi, J. “Eudocia, Pulcheria and Juvenal: The Competition in the Field of Religion and the Built Environment of Jerusalem in the Fifth Century CE”, in Ode for Oded: Essays on Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity in Honor of Oded Irshai (Cultural Encounters in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, 40), Goodman, M., Bitton-Ashkelony, B (eds.), Brepols, Turnhout 2022.Articles in Conference Proceedings
Ashkenazi, J., Aviam, M., and Ron, A. “The Mosaic Path: Developing Ancient Christian Touristic Sites in a Modern Urban Context – Karmiel, Israel”, The 2nd International Scientific Conference – Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing & Management, Korfu 2012.
ISBN: 978-960-287-139-3.
Entries in Encyclopedias
- Ashkenazi, J., Price, J.P., “Three inscriptions from the ancient necropolis at Sepphoris”, In Ameling, W., Cotton, H. M., Eck, W., Isaac, B., Kushnir-Stein, A., Misgav, H., Price, J., Yardeni, A (eds.), Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae Palaestinae: A Multi-Lingual Corpus of the Inscriptions from Alexander to Muhammad, Vol. V, the Galilee and Northern Israel, De Gruyter, Berlin 2022, pp. 1062-1065.
- Ashkenazi, J. “Galilee”, in Hunter, D. G., van Geest, P.J.J., Lietaert Peerbolte B. J. (eds.), Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity Online, Consulted online on 17 November 2020
- Ashkenazi, J. “Gli Ebrei e L’Ellenismo dalla conquista Macedone A Erode il Grande”, Enciclopedia del Mediterraneo, Vol. III, L’antichita, Editoriale Jaca Book, Milano 2004, pp. 354-362.
- Ashkenazi, J. “Il Popolo Ebraico nei suoi rapport Mediterranei I Primi Contatti”, Enciclopedia del Mediterraneo, Vol. III, L’antichita, Editoriale Jaca Book, Milano 2004, pp. 56-60.
Accepted for Publication
- Ashkenazi, J. “Nazareth: Christianity”, In Allison, Jr. D., Furey, C., McKenzie, S., Römer, T., Schröter, J., Seow, C., Walfish, B., Ziolkowski, E (eds.) Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter.Book Reviews
- Ashkenazi, J. “James Dunn, Jesus, Paul and The Gospels, Beer Sheva 2018”, Cathedra 169 (2018), pp. 167-171 (Hebrew).
- Ashkenazi, J. “Six Chapters on Christianity and More: The New Edition of Pao Figueras’, ‘The Spirit and the Bride’: Introduction to Early Christianity”, Cathedra 161 (2016), pp. 180-184 (Hebrew).Other Publications
- Aviam, M., Ashkenazi, J. “Wirtschaftliche entwicklung und materielle kultur im Christlich geprägten Galiläa der spätantike”, Antike Welt 2/18 (2018), pp. 45-49.
- Ashkenazi, J. “’As He walked by the Sea of Galilee’: The Sea of Galilee and its Theological Context”, Eretz Hakinneret 19 (2017), pp. 42-45 (Hebrew).
- Ashkenazi, J. “Theological Landscapes in the Galilee”, Etmol 249 (2017), pp. 13-16 (Hebrew).
- Ashkenazi, J. “Christianity’s Holiest Ground”, Lent Extra (2015), pp. 45-47.
- Ashkenazi, J. “Jesus Trail – in the Path of the Gospels in Galilee”, Eretz Hakinneret 9 (2013), pp. 42-43 (Hebrew).
- Ashkenazi, J. “The Beginnings of Galilean Christianity”, Ariel 195-196 (2011), pp. 213-229 (Hebrew).
- Ashkenazi J. “Managing Feelings and Marketing in Ecclesiastical Development and in Christianization”, Israel Human Resources Magazine 203 (2004), pp. 66-71 (Hebrew).