1. Cultural and historical geography
2. sacred spaces and religious landscapes
3. Middle Eastern studies with a focus on Israel/Palestine – past and present
4. Food politics, heritage, and sustainability
5. Urban geography and spatial practices
6. Identity politics and spatial contestation

Dr. Luz Nimrod
Head of Research Authority,
Land of Israel Studies Department, School of Social Sciences and Humanities
B.A. in Behavioral Sciences, B.A. in Land of Israel Studies, M.A. in Land of Israel Studies
Areas of Expertise
Selected Courses
1. Readings in the Built Environment: Theories and Case Studies
2. Cooking Israeliness: Food, Nationalism and Politics
3. Sanctity, Religion, and Modernity in the Israeli Space
4. Islam, Nationalism, Modernity, and Contemporary Challenges to the Nation-State
Additional Roles
Head of Research Authority, Member of Appointments Committee, Member of Research Committee.
Selected Publications
1. Luz, N. (2024). Sacred Places as Contested Places: It Goes with the Territory. In: L. Kong, O. Bloom and J. K. Tse (eds.), Handbook of Geographies of Religion (pp. 305-326). Springer.
2. Luz, N. (2023). The Politics of Sacred Places. A View from Israel/Palestine. London: Bloomsbury Academics.
3. Luz, N. (2022). Lunch Break. Meals, Secrets and Legends. Tel Aviv: Afik. [in Hebrew]
4. Luz, N. (2023). The Treacherous Road to Sustainable Agriculture: Lessons from Israeli Farmers and the Need to Upscale the Debate. Sustainability, 15, 12388.
5. Luz, N. (2021). Unholy Religious Encounters and the Development of Jerusalem’s Urban Landscape. Between Particularism and Exceptionalism. In: M. Giorda and M. Burchardt (eds.), Geographies of Encounter: The Rise and Fall of Multi-Religious Spaces (pp. 29-54). London: Palgrave Macmillan.