Organizations & the Workplace
Human Resource
Social Psychology
Organizational Culture
Social Psychology
Governmental Policy and Policy Transformation
Third Sector

Dr. Orit Fisher Shalem
Academic Staff
Areas of Expertise
Selected Courses
Introduction to Sociology””
Organizational Behavior””
Additional Roles
Head, Human Resource Management (HRM) Division, Department of Multi-Disciplinary Studies,
Assistant Professor, Department of Education and Community
Selected Publications
Orit Fisher and Quadagno Jill. 2016. “Israel’s Failed Experiment with American-Style Welfare Reform” for the International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy. Vol 36, Issue 3/4
Quadagno, Jill, Orit Fisher, and JoEllen Pederson. 2015 “Welfare States in Comparative Perspective.” Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: An Interdisciplinary, Searchable, and Linkable Resource. 1–15.
Under Review
Itzkovich Yariv, Dolev Niva and Fisher Orit “Employees reactions to workplace incivility – a comprehensive model based on the EVLN model”.