• Polymer synthesis and processing:
a) Different Polymerization Techniques (Emulsion, Inverse Emulsion, and Bulk Polymerization, copolymerization, etc.).
b) Compounding of polymers, composites and nano-composites (batch and continuous techniques).
• Advanced polymers and nanocomposites: dispersion of organic and inorganic nanoparticles (carbon nanotubes, graphene, carbon black, titania, silica, etc.) via different techniques (in-situ polymerization, compounding, etc.).
• Electrically conductive polymers and composites.
• Functional Nanocomposites: Anti-microbial surfaces, Superhydrophilic and Superhydrophobic surfaces, etc.
• Polymer and composites characterization techniques: morphology (SEM, HRSEM), Thermal properties (TGA, DSC), rheological properties (rotational and capillary rheology, Brookfield), Mechanical properties (Instron, DMTA), electrical measurements (2-points. 4-points, TLM) etc.

Doctor Ran Suckeveriene
Faculty member and Researcher,
School of Engineering
Water Industry Engineering B.Sc
Areas of Expertise
Selected Courses
1. Heat and Mass Transfer
2. Introduction to Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
3. Introduction to Materials Engineering for Water Industry Engineering
4. Physical Chemistry
5. Introduction to Materials Engineering for Gas and Energy Engineering
6. Process Simulation
7. Separation processes
8. Separation laboratory
Additional Roles
CTO at Kinneret Agrotech Innovation Center
Group leader, The Laboratory of Polymers, Composites,and Nanocomposites, Kinneret Academic College
Selected Publications
Book Chapters
R.Y. Suckeveriene, E. Zelikman and M. Narkis, Hybrid Electrically Conducting Nano-composites Comprising Carbon Nanotube/ICP Systems, Encyclopedia of Composites, 2nd Edition, 2, 1319-1334 (2012), Editors: Luigi Nicolais Assunta Borzacchiello, publisher John Wiley &Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, 2012. ISBN (printed set): 978-0-470-12828-2.
Refereed Papers in Professional Journals
Published Papers
1. R. Y. Suckeveriene, A. Tzur, M. Narkis, and A. Seigmann Grafting of polymer chains onto nano-silica particles via peroxide bulk polymerization. Journal of Nanostructured Polymers and Nanocomposites, 3, 13-21 (2007).
2. R. Y. Suckeveriene, A. Tzur, M. Narkis, A. Seigmann, Grafting of Polystyrene Chains on Surfaces of Nano-silica Particles via Peroxide Bulk Polymerization. Polymer Composites, 30, 422-428 (2007).
3. E. Zelikman, R. Y. Suckeveriene, G. Mechrez, and M. Narkis, Fabrication of Composite Polyaniline/CNT Nanofibers Using an Ultrasonically Assisted Dynamic Inverse Emulsion Polymerization Technique, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 21, 150-152 (2010).
4. R. Y. Suckeveriene, E. Zelikman, G. Mechrez, A. Tzur, I. Frisman, Y. Cohen and M. Narkis, Synthesis of Hybrid Polyaniline/CNT Nanocomposites by Dynamic Interfacial Inverse Emulsion Polymerization under Sonication, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 120, 676-682 (2010).
5. R.Y. Suckeveriene, R. Rahman, I. Shtein, N. Kharlamova and M. Narkis, Synthesis of Styrene-Acrylamide Copolymer by Surfactant–free Sonicated Dynamic Interfacial Polymerization, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 23, 1536-1542 (2012).
6. G. Mechrez, R.Y. Suckeveriene, R. Tchoudakov, A. Kigly, E. Segal , and M. Narkis, Structure and Properties of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotube Porous Sheets with Enhanced Elongation, Journal of Materials Science, 47(16), 6131-6140 (2012).
7. G. Mechrez, R. Y. Suckeveriene, E. Zelikman, J. Rosen, N. Ariel-Sternberg, R. Cohen, M. Narkis, and E. Segal, Highly-Tunable Polymer/Carbon Nanotubes Systems: Preserving Dispersion Architecture in Solid Composites via Rapid Microfiltration, ACS Macro Letters, 1, 848–852 (2012).
8. R. Y. Suckeveriene, G. Mechrez, O. Hachamo Filiba, S. Mosheev and M. Narkis, Synthesis of Hybrid Polyaniline/CNT Nanocomposites in Toluene by Dynamic Interfacial Inverse Emulsion Polymerization under Sonication, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 128 (3), 2129-2135 (2013).
9. E. Zelikman, D. Alperstein, G. Mechrez, R. Suckeveriene, and Narkis, M., Study of interactions between single-wall carbon nanotubes and surfactant using molecular simulations, Polymer Bulletin, 70 (4), 1195-1204 (2013).
10. I. Brook, G. Mechrez, R. Y. Suckeveriene, R. Tchoudakov, and M. Narkis, A Novel Approach for Preparation of Conductive Hybrid Elastomeric Nano-composites, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 24 (8), 758-763 (2013).
11. R. Y. Suckeveriene, R. Rahman, M. Ovadia, D. Szczupak, G. Mechrez and M. Narkis, Synthesis of Surfactant-Free Carbon Nanotube/ Poly(styrene-co-acrylamide) by Dynamic Interfacial Emulsion Polymerization under Sonication, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 25 (1), 4-8, (2014).
12. I. Brook, G. Mechrez, R. Y. Suckeveriene, R. Tchoudakov, S. Lupo and M. Narkis, The Structure and Electro-mechanical Properties of Novel Hybrid CNT/PANI Nano-composites, Polymer Composites, 35 (4), 788-794 (2014), DOI 10.1002/pc.
13. J. Rosen-Kligvasser, R. Y. Suckeveriene, R. Tchudakov and M. Narkis, A Novel Methodology for Controlled Migration of Antifog from Thin Polyolefin Films, Polymer Engineering and Science, 54 (9), 2023-2028 (2014), DOI: 10.1002/pen.23755.
14. I. Brook, G. Mechrez, R. Y. Suckeveriene, R. Tchoudakov, S. Lupo and M. Narkis, Electrically-conductive hybrid elastomeric nanocomposites, SPE plastic reaserch online, accepted 5/12/13, DOI: 10.2417/spepro.005248.
(link: http://www.4spepro.org/view.php?article=005248-2013-12-20&category=Composites)
15. G. Mechrez, R. Y. Suckeveriene, M. Narkis and E. Segal, Polymer/Carbon Nanofillers Films Fabricated by Latex Technology, Polymer for Advanced Technologies, 25 (11), 1301-1306 (2014).
16. I. Brook, A. Berner, R. Tchoudakov, R.Y. Suckeveriene, and M. Narkis, Conductive elastomeric nano-composites based on oxidation of aniline with silver nitrate via inverse emulsion polymerization, Polymer for Advanced Technologies, 25 (12), 1446-1453 (2014).
17. K. Shlosman, R. Y. Suckeveriene, J. Rosen-Kligvasser, R. Tchudakov, E. Zelikman, R. Semiat and M. Narkis, Controlled Migration of Antifog Additives from LLDPE Compatibilized with LLDPE Grafted Maleic Anhydride, Polymer for Advanced Technologies, 25 (12), 1484-1491 (2014).
18. R. Regueira, R. Y. Suckeveriene, I. Brook, G. Mechrez, R. Tchudakov, G. Grader and M. Narkis, Investigation of the electro-mechanical behavior of hybrid polyaniline/graphene nanocomposites, fabricated by dynamic interfacial inverse emulsion polymerization, Graphene, 4, 7-19 (2015).
19. I. Brook, A. Berner, R. Tchoudakov, R.Y. Suckeveriene, and M. Narkis, Electro-mechanical sensors based on conductive hybrid nanocomposites, Polymer for Advanced Technologies, 26 (7), 889-897, (2015) Published online: 29.4.2015. DOI: 10.1002/pat.3526.
20. R. Y. Suckeveriene, R. Rahman, Sofia Napso, Yulia Matatov, and M. Narkis, Dispersion of Carbon Nanotubes in Different Solvents for Thin Films Applications, Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Science, 7 (1), 1-7, 2016.
21. J. Rosen-Kligvasser, R.Y. Suckeveriene, R. Tchoudakov, and M. Narkis, LLDPE Films Containing Monoester of Oleic Acid Grafted to Silica Particles as Durable Antifog Additives, Polymer for Advanced Technologies, Accepted 18.4.2016, DOI: 10.1002/pat.3827, (2016).
22. J. Rosen-Kligvasser, R.Y. Suckeveriene, R. Tchoudakov, M. Narkis, Extended Additives’ Performance in Polyethylene Thin Films, MRS Advances, 1 (53), 3601-3606, DOI: 10.1557/adv.2016.494, (2016).
23. K. Shlosman, J. Rosen-Kligvasser, R. Y. Suckeveriene, R. Tchudakov, and M. Narkis, Novel Antifog Modification for Controlled Migration and Prolonged Wetting of LLDPE thin Films, European Polymer Journal, 90, 220-230 (2017).
24. Eyal Kurzbaum, Yasmin Raizner, Oded Cohen, Ran Y. Suckeveriene, Anatoly Kulikov, Ben Hakimi, Lilach Iasur Kruh, Yair Farber, Ofir Menashe, Encapsulated Pseudomonas putida for phenol biodegradation: Use of a structural membrane for construction of a well-organized confined particle, Water Research, 121, 37-45 (2017).
25. Ran Y. Suckeveriene, Grafting of Polyaniline by a Dynamic Inverse Emulsion Polymerization Technique onto Reverse Osmosis Membranes as an Anti-Biofouling Agent, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 30, 1759-1766 (2019).
Review Papers
1. R.Y. Suckeveriene, E. Zelikman, G. Mechrez and M. Narkis, Literature Review: Conducting Carbon Nanotube/Polyaniline Nanocomposites, Reviews in Chemical Engineering, 27, 15-21 (2011).
1. “Methods of Reducing Nutrients Absorption in the Small Intestine (SI)”, Ran Suckeveriene, Submitted December 2nd, 2018.
2. “Hybrid PANI/Carbon Nano-composites for Production of Thin, Transparent, and Conductive Films”, R. Y. Suckeveriene and M. Narkis. United States Patent US2014/0065402 A1. Published March 6th, 2014.
Refereed Papers in Conference Proceedings
1. G. Mechrez, R. Y. Suckeveriene, M. Narkis and E. Segal, Highly-Tunable Polymer/CNTs Nanostructures: A Rapid and Facile Approach for Controlled Architecture and Composition, Proceedings of the 2012 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, Nov. 25-Nov. 30, 2012, accepted.
2. R. Y. Suckeveriene, G. Mechrez and M. Narkis, Hybrid PANI/CNT nanocomposites prepared by an inverse emulsion polymerization technique, Proceedings of the 2014 SPE ANTEC Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, 28-30.4.2014, P. 614-618.
3. I. Brook, G. Mechrez, R. Y. Suckeveriene, R. Tchudakov and M. Narkis, Novel conductive hybrid nano-composites for electro-mechanical sensors, Proceedings of the 2014 SPE ANTEC Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, 28-30.4.2014, P. 682-687.
4. J. Rosen-Kligvasser, R. Y. Suckeveriene, R. Tchudakov and M. Narkis, Controlled migration of antifog from flexible polyethylene films, Proceedings of the 2014 SPE ANTEC Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, 28-30.4.2014, P. 2160-2163.