ניתוח התנהגות - ד"ר סיגל תדהר-פז

Dr. Tidhar-Paz Sigal


Behavioral Sciences Department, School of Social Sciences and Humanities
M.A. in Behavioral Sciences

Selected Publications

Articles in Refereed Journals

Yirmiya, N., Pilovsky, T., Tidhar, S., Nemanov, L., Altmark, L. & Epstein, R. (2002). Family-Based and Population Study of a Functional Promoter-Region Monoamine Oxidase A Polymorphism in Autism: Possible Association with IQ. American Journal of Medical Genetics (Neuropsychiatric Genetics). 114, 284-287.

Articles in Conference Proceedings

Shulman, C., Tidhar, S. & Bukai, O. (2000).  Diagnosis and Assessment of Young Children with Autism.  Presentation at SRCD, Minneapolis, MN.

 Articles or Chapters in Refereed Books

Shulman, C. Bukai, O., & Tidhar, S. (2001). Communicative Intent in Autism.  In E. Schopler, N. Yirmiya, C. Shulman, & L. Marcus (Eds.). The Research Basis for Autism Intervention, pp. 117-133.  NY: Plenum Press.

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