Multi-channel signal processing, Data fusion

Doctor Yotam Peled
Head of department of electrical and electronic engineering, Senior Lecturer,
School of Engineering
Electrical and Electronic Engineering B.Sc
Areas of Expertise
Selected Publications
Y. Peled and B. Rafaely. “Linearly-Constrained Minimum-Variance Method for Spherical Microphone Arrays Based on Plane-Wave Decomposition of the Sound Field”. IEEE transactions on audio speech and language processing. Vol. 21(12) : p. 2532-2540. December 2013.
Y. Peled and B. Rafaely, “Objective performance analysis of spherical microphone arrays for speech enhancement in rooms,” Journal acoustical society of America. vol. 132, no. 3, pp. 1473-1481 September 2012.
Y. Peled and B. Rafaely. “Linearly constrained minimum variance method for spherical microphone arrays in a coherent environment”. Joint Workshop on Hands-free Speech Communication and Microphone Arrays (HSCMA 2011) : p. 92-97. Edinburgh, United Kingdom. May 2011.
Y. Peled and B. Rafaely. “Method for dereverberation and noise reduction using spherical microphone arrays”. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2010) : p. 113 – 116. Dallas, USA. March 2010.