The 10th Kinneret
International Tourism Conference:
At the Leonardo Plaza Hotel, Tiberias, Israel
Tourism Mobility: Transportation, Information – Technology and Society
Monday, 11th March, 2019
08:00-08:45 Coffee and Registration
08:45-10:00 Welcome and Opening Remarks
Prof. Shimon Gepstein, President of Kinneret College
Prof. Dr. Henning Kehr, Vice President, Worms University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Dr. Alon Gelbman, Head of the Department of Tourism and Hotel Management, Kinneret College
Mr. Amir Halevi, Director General, Israel Ministry of Tourism
Mr. Dubi Benari, Chairman Galil hotels association
Mr. Tomer Amsalem, Amsalem Group
CPA. Hanny Sobol, CEO, The Israel Association of Travel Agencies & Consultants
10:00-10:30 Coffee and Networking
10:30-12:00 First Session: Challenges and Trends in Global Transportation
Session Chairpersons: Prof. Hezi Israeli and Dr. Uzi Freund-Feinstein, Kinneret College, Israel
Prof. Dr. Frank Fichert, Worms University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Taxes and subsidies in the air transport industry – impact on passenger flows
Prof. Dr. Richard Klophaus, Worms University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Are low-cost carriers evolving into network carriers without legacy?
Prof. Dr. Tobias Grosche, Prof. Dr. Richard Klophaus & Adam Seredy'nski, Worms University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Level of airline competition on long haul markets
Dr. Yael Ram, Ashkelon Academic College, Israel
Nature for all? public transport and the accessibility to natural sites
12:00-12:30 Coffee and Networking
12:30-14:00 Second Session: The Impacts of Information Communication Technology on Tourism Mobility
Session Chairperson: Anat Tchetchik, Bar Ilan University, Israel
Dr. Eran Ketter, Kinneret College, Israel
The role of ICTs in tourism mobility
Dr. Dimitri Ioannides, Mid-Sweden University, Sweden
Implications of the platform-based economy for worker protection, labour and life
Mr. Pini Shani, Senior Deputy Director, Tourism Experience Administration, Israel Ministry of Tourism
The challenge of serving 3 million individual tourists in Israel every year
Prof. Alexander Wiebel, Worms University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Do mobile apps and virtual reality attract people to touristic destinations or rather to their own living room?
a discussion in the context of project 'schaz'
14:00-15:00 Lunch Break
15:00-16:40 Third Session: Tourism and Social Aspects of People Mobility
Session Chairperson: Prof. Noga Collins-Kreiner, University of Haifa, Israel
Prof. Dr. Ricardo R. Uvinha, University of Sao Paulo USP, Brazil
Tourism mobility in Brazil: impacts and legacies from sport tourism events
Prof. Salvador Anton Clavé, Rovira i Virgili University, Spain
Mobilities and urban tourism. Changes and challenges in Barcelona
Prof. Dr. Knut Scherhag, Worms University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Tourist center in a city as an "instrument" of visitor guidance and social meeting point – example city of Worms
Mr. Jack Shepherd & Prof. Daniel Laven, Mid-Sweden University, Sweden
Providing a counter-narrative: hostels as beacons of hope in contested space
Dr. Elad Almog, Kinneret College, Israel
Tourism routes as a tool for tourists' mobility – a business perspective 16:40-16:50 Closing Remarks: Tourism Mobility Today, Dr. Alon Gelbman, Kinneret College, Israel
The Conference Program
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