The GREENinMED Project, co-financed by the European ENI CBC MED Programme, seeks to increase the competitiveness of Mediterranean SMEs operating in the hotel industry, by applying innovative solutions to increase the efficiency in water and energy management. The aim is to reduce the consumption levels by 10%, through the new products/innovative solutions. Five partners from Spain, France and Israel compose the GREENinMED Consortium. The specific objectives of the project are the following ones:
1. Creating a cross-border network to identify and analyze the most important products/services that exist in eco-innovation matters for the hotel industry, in response to its actual needs. GREENinMED, through innovation vouchers, will offer support to finance the necessary consultancy services to back up new products/services adopted by tourist SMEs, in order to become more efficient and competitive.
2. Improving eco-innovation ecosystems in water and energy, through financial support in the form of subsidies, allowing Mediterranean start-ups or innovating enterprises to generate new products/services. Likewise, the Project will encourage spin-offs through SME collaboration with joint venture partners.
2: Requirement of services:
- Film in 7 different locations in Israel (north, center and south)
- Use of High-quality and modern photography equipment
- Drone filming is a must.
- Interview representatives of companies about their projects on sustainable technologies. Excellent interview skills are required.
- Editing of 7 short films of approx. 4 minutes length each including logos opening and computerized simulations.
- Collecting footage from other sources that will be sent from abroad.
- Editing of a short film of 8 to12 minutes length for the final conference of the project, including logos opening. The film will include footage of the 7 short videos produced and additional content.
3: Required timing:
All the filming and the collection of all additional footage and logos must be finished before May 24, 2023. All videos must be ready on June 15 ,2022. The films will be translated and subtitled by a different supplier before the final event of the project that will take place on June 27, 2023.
4: Please reach out to us with your proposal latest by April 30, 2023 10:00 am. greeninmed.il@gmail.com
For more information contact:
Valerie Sardon, Kinneret College, 052-3749265
Ellen Elend Rif, Arava Institute for Environmental Studies Ellen.Elend.Rif@arava.org 052-4345685.