מתעניינים/ות בלימודים במכללה האקדמית כנרת?

    תכנית לימודים למתחילים – .M.Sc בהנדסת מים

    year course number Semester the name of the course Lecture hours per semester Exercise hours per semester Laboratory hours per semester Credit Points
    Compulsory Course -10 credit points
    1 19-111 2 Mathematical models in water processes 4 4
    1 19-112 2 Basics of System Engineering and its application in water engineering 2 2 3
    1 19-110 2+3 Research Methodologies in Water Engineering 2 2 3
    Elective Course – 20 credit points
    1 19-114 2 Water Technology Innovation, from Ideation to Commercialization 2 2
    1 19-115 2 Biofilm reactors 2 2
    1 19-116 2 Mathematical and Statistical models in water systems 2 2
    1 19-123 2 Advanced design of water treatment plants 2 1 2.5
    1 19-120 2 Data Science in Water Systems 2 2
    1 19-124 2 Biofilms in aqueous environments and water industries 2 1 2.5
    1 19-117 2 Modeling and Simulation of Environmental Processes (Water and Wastewater) 2 1 2.5
    1 19-119 3 Industrial wastewater treatment and reuse using membrane technologie 2 1 2.5
    1 19-121 3 Anaerobic wastewater treatment 2 2
    1 19-122 3 Advanced Material Engineering for Water Applications 2 2
    1 19-127 3 Microbial diversity and activity in the water industries: importance and implications 2 1 2.5
    1 19-113 3 Advanced Physicochemical Technologies for Water and Wastewater Treatment 2 2
    1 19-118 4 Fundamentals and Applications of UV Processes for water and wastewater treatment 2 2
    2 19-125 4 Microbiology Engineering Processes 2 1 2.5
    2 19-128 4 Advance treatments for municipal effluents 2 2
    Seminar – 3 credit points
    2 19-126 4 Advanced seminar in water processes 3 3
    Final Project – 10 credit points
    2 19-220 4 Project in water processes 20 10

    Key for calculating credit:

    Weekly lecture time – 1 credit point. Weekly exercise / laboratory – 0.5 credit points. Seminar – 3 credit points Final Project – 10 credit points


    The minimum credit points that a student is required to take during the program is 43. The minimum Weekly Hours that a student is required to take during the program is 23.5

    General curriculum structure

    Required Credit Points

    Credits are offered per semester

    B (Spring) C (summer) D (Fall)
    Compulsory Course 10 9 1 0
    Elective Course 20 15.5 9 6.5
    Seminar 3 0 0 3
    Final Project 10 0 0 10
    Total 43 24.5 10 19.5

    Highlights for registering elective courses during the degree:

    In order to accumulate a total of 20 elective credits, you must choose 4 courses of 2.5 credits (out of 6 courses) + 5 courses of 2 credits (out of 8 courses)