יישוב סכסוכים ותהליכי פיוס
מדע המדינה ויחסים בינלאומיים
צדק מעברי: התמודדות חברות עם עבר טראומטי
תהליכי פיוס של האדם עם עצמו: תובנות מתהליכי פיוס בעולם
מדיטציה ופתרון סכסוכים

ד"ר קפשוק יואב
ראש חטיבת לימודי ישראל במחלקה ללימודים רב-תחומיים, מרצה בכיר
המחלקה ללימודים רב-תחומיים, הפקולטה למדעי החברה והרוח, מחקר
B.A בלימודים רב תחומיים, B.A. בחינוך וקהילה
תחומי התמחות
קורסים נבחרים
הידברות ושותפות בין קהילות ערביות ויהודיות בישראל
פסיכולוגיה חברתית פוליטית של חברה בסכסוך
סמינריון זהות ואזרחות בישראל
דינמיקה של קונפליקט ומשא ומתן
חינוך ככלי לקבלה ופיוס בחברות שסועות
מדיטציה ופתרון קונפליקטים
פרסומים נבחרים
1. Alt, D. & Kapshuk, Y. (2024). The role of creativity as a mediator between mediating the future and a willingness to reconcile between Arabs and Jews among students. Time for Education, 9. 27-53 (Hebrew)
2. Kapshuk, Y. (2024). Palestinian Refugees in the Context of the Hamas-Israel War in Gaza: An Analysis Through the Lens of Transitional Justice. Pathways to Peace and Security, 1(66). 28-45.
3. Shapira, N. & Kapshuk, Y.* (2024). Recognizing minority group student perspectives in times of intractable conflict. Journal of Peace Education, 20(3). 273-290. (I.F: 0.7; 5-Year I.F: 1.1; SJR: 0.39, Q2). https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epdf/10.1080/17400201.2023.2231359?needAccess=true
*Equal contribution
4. Kapshuk, Y. & Alt, D. (2023). Future Problem-Solving Technique for Promoting Reconciliation between Palestinian and Jewish citizens in Israel. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 29(4), 389–393 (I.F: 0.9; 5-Year I.F: 1.1; SJR: 0.714; Q1). https://psycnet.apa.org/doi/10.1037/pac0000678
5. Alt, D., Kapshuk, Y. & Dekel, H. (2023). Promoting perceived creativity and innovative behavior: Benefits of future problem-solving programs for higher education students. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 47. (I.F: 3.5; 5-Year I.F: 4.1; SJR: 1.15, Q1) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsc.2022.101201.
6. Kapshuk, Y. & Alt, D.* (2022). Using Digital Concept Maps in Conflict Resolution Studies: Implications for Students’ Argumentative Skills, Domain-specific Knowledge, and Academic Efficacy. Frontiers in Psychology, 13. 1-16 (I.F: 2.6; 5-Year I.F: 3.3; SJR: 0.87; Q1). https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.882370
*Equal contribution
7. Kapshuk, Y. & Shapira, N.* (2022). Learning about dialogue and partnership between rival groups during an intractable conflict. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 28(4). 528-538 (I.F: 0.9; 5-Year I.F: 1.1; SJR: 0.714; Q1). https://psycnet.apa.org/doi/10.1037/pac0000627 *Equal contribution
8. Kapshuk, Y. & Deitch. M. (2023). Religion, Peace and Justice: The Effects of Transitional Justice on Religious Armed Conflict Resolution. Peacebuilding, 11(1). 78-103 (I.F: 1.4; 5-Year I.F: 1.7; SJR: 0.619; Q2). https://doi.org/10.1080/21647259.2022.2065791
9. Alt, D. & Kapshuk, Y. (2022). Linking Achievement Goal Orientation to Socio-Cognitive Conflict Regulation in Higher Education. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 16(1). 1-22 (I.F: 0.5; 5-Year I.F: 1.3; SJR: 0.6; Q1). https://lps.library.cmu.edu/NCMR/article/id/471/
10. Kapshuk, Y. (2022). Transitional Justice from a Political Bargaining Perspective. International Journal of Development and Conflict, 12. 1-21 (SJR 4-Year I.F: 0.435; Q4).
11. Strömbom, L. & Kapshuk, Y. (2022). Tracing Recognition in the Oslo Peace Process and Its Aftermath – the Interlinkage Between Relational and Internal Ontological Security. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 39(3), 315-332. (I.F: 1.0; 5-Year I.F: 1.2; SJR: 4-Year I.F: 0.826; Q1). https://doi.org/10.1002/crq.21333
12. Kapshuk, Y. and Strömbom, L. (2021). Israeli pre-transitional justice and the Nakba-law. Israel Law Review, 54(3). 305-323. (I.F: 0.4; 5-Year I.F: 0.5; SJR: 4-Year I.F: 0.295; Q3). https://doi.org/10.1017/S0021223721000157.
13. Kapshuk, Y. (2021). Conceptual Ambiguity in Coding the Categories of Peace Agreement and Peace Process. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, 27(1), 3-27. (I.F: 1.7; 5-Year I.F: 1.1; SJR: 4-Year I.F: 0.624; Q2). https://doi.org/10.1515/peps-2020-0003.
14. Alt, D. & Kapshuk, Y. (2021). Argumentation-based learning with digital concept mapping and college students’ epistemic beliefs in peace studies. Learning Environments Research. (I.F: 2.7; 5-Year I.F: N/A; SJR: 0.950; Q1) https://doi.org/10.1007/s10984-021-09385-8.
15. Kapshuk, Y. (2020) Ashkenazim and Mizrahim in the Israeli- Palestinian Peace Process: The Role of Israel’s Economic Liberalization and Globalization, Defence and Peace Economics, 31:8, 927-938, (I.F: 1.6; 5-Year I.F: 1.9; SJR: 0.576; Q2). https://doi.org/10.1080/10242694.2020.1801159.
16. Kapshuk, Y. & Jamal, A. (2020). The salience of symbolic and material elements of transitional justice in peace processes. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 26(4), 460–465. (I.F: 0.9; 5-Year I.F: 1.1; SJR: 0.714; Q1). https://doi.org/10.1037/pac0000454
17. Kapshuk, Y. (2019) Transitional Justice in the Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations: What can be learned from the Colombian Case? Journal of Peacebuilding & Development, 14(1). 73-78. (SJR: 0.216; 4-Year I.F: 0.527; Q3). https://doi.org/10.1177%2F1542316619832682
18. Kapshuk, Y. (2012). On the Importance of the discussions regarding optional settlements between the sea and the river. The Journal of Public-Sphere, 6. (Hebrew)