סביבות למידה קונסטרוקטיביסטיות
למידה לאורך החיים
הערכה מעצבת
למידה בעידן הדיגיטלי
חינוך למוסר ולדמוקרטיה

פרופ' אלט דורית
הוראה אקדמית, פרופ' חבר
המחלקה לחינוך וקהילה, הפקולטה למדעי החברה והרוח
B.A. בחינוך וקהילה, M.A בניתוח התנהגות
תחומי התמחות
קורסים נבחרים
דרכים ושיטות בהוראה ובחינוך
יחסי גומלין: קהילה, מסגרת חינוכית ומשפחה
חינוך לאזרחות דמוקרטית
משפחה וחינוך בעידן המידע
תפקידים נוספים
מנהלת פרויקט אירסמוס+
פרסומים נבחרים
1. *Alt, D., & Boniel-Nissim, M. (accepted for publication). Links between adolescents' deep and surface learning approaches, problematic Internet use, and Fear of Missing Out (FoMO). Internet Interventions. Impact Factor (2 years): 3.183, Journal Rank: 1
2. *Alt, D., & Boniel-Nissim, M. (accepted for publication). Parent-Adolescent Communication and Problematic Internet Use: The Mediating Role of Fear of Missing Out (FoMO). Journal of Family Issues. Impact Factor (4 years): 1.675, Journal Rank: 1
3. *Alt, D., & Itzkovich, Y. (accepted for publication). The impact of perceived constructivist learning environments on faculty uncivil authoritarian behaviors. Higher Education. Impact Factor (4 years): 2.41, Journal Rank: 1
4. *Alt, D. (2018). Science teachers' conceptions of teaching and learning, ICT efficacy, ICT professional development and ICT practices enacted in their classrooms. Teaching and Teacher Education, 73, 141-150. Impact Factor (4 years): 3.281, Journal Rank: 1
5. *Alt, D. (2018). Teachers’ practices in science learning environments and their use of formative and summative assessment tasks. Learning Environments Research. DOI: http://doi.org/10.1007/s10984-018-9259-z. Impact Factor (4 years): 1.691, Journal Rank: 2
6. *Alt, D., & Raichel, N. (accepted for publication). Game-based learning in higher education: Challenges and opportunities: A case study. Dapim – Journal of Theory and Research in Education. (Hebrew) Journal Rank: B
7. *Alt, D., & Itzkovich, Y. (2017). Cross-validation of the reactions to faculty incivility measurement through a multidimensional scaling approach. Journal of Academic Ethics. Impact Factor (4 years): 0.859, Journal Rank: 2
8. *Alt, D. (2017). College students' perceived learning environment and their social media engagement in activities unrelated to class work. Instructional Science, 45, 623–643. Impact Factor (4 years): 2.546, Journal Rank: 1
9. *Alt, D. (2017). Students’ social media engagement and fear of missing out (FoMO) in a diverse classroom. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 29(2), 388-410. Impact Factor (4 years): 2.162, Journal Rank: 1
10. *Alt, D. (2017). Constructivist learning and openness to diversity and challenge in higher education environments. Learning Environments Research, 20, 99–119. Impact Factor (4 years): 1.691, Journal Rank: 2
11. *Alt, D. (2016). Contemporary constructivist practices in higher education settings and academic motivational factors. Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 56(3), 374 – 399. Impact Factor (4 years): 0.354, Journal Rank: 4
12. *Alt, D. (2016). Students' perceived constructivist learning environment: Empirical examples of the comparison between facet theory with smallest space analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. European Journal of Psychological Assessment. DOI: 10.1027/1015-5759/a000358. Impact Factor (4 years): 2.085, Journal Rank: 2
13. *Alt, D. (2016). Students' wellbeing, fear of missing out, and social media engagement for leisure in higher education learning environments. Current Psychology. DOI 10.1007/s12144-016-9496-1. Impact Factor (4 years): 0.678, Journal Rank: 3
14. *Alt, D., & Geiger, B. (2016). An academic program for Orthodox teachers a result of the 'New Horizon' reform': Barriers, strengths, and aspirations. Dapim – Journal of Theory and Research in Education, 61, 151 – 173. (Hebrew) Journal Rank: B
15. *Alt, D. (2015). Literacy, media, and media instruction: The acquisition of media literacy skills through media instruction. Dapim – Journal of Theory and Research in Education, 60, 117 – 137. (Hebrew) Journal Rank: B
16. *Alt, D. (2015). Assessing the connection between self-efficacy for learning and justifying academic cheating in higher education learning environments. Journal of Academic Ethics, 13, 77–90. Impact Factor (4 years): 0.859, Journal Rank: 2
17. *Alt, D. (2015). Assessing the contribution of constructivist based academic learning environment to academic self-efficacy in higher education. Learning Environments Research, 18, 47–67. Impact Factor (3 years): 2.188, Journal Rank: 1
18. *Alt, D. (2015). College students' academic motivation, media engagement and fear of missing out. Computers in Human Behavior, 49, 111–119. Impact Factor (4 years): 4.979, Journal Rank: 1
19. *Alt, D. (2015). Using structural equation modeling and multidimensional scaling to assess female college students' academic adjustment as a function of perceived parenting styles. Current Psychology, 35, 549 – 561. Impact Factor (4 years): 0.678, Journal Rank: 3
20. *Alt, D., & Itzkovich, Y. (2015). Assessing the connection between students' justice experience and perceptions of faculty incivility in higher education. Journal of Academic Ethics, 13, 121–134. Impact Factor (4 years): 0.859, Journal Rank: 2
21. *Alt, D., & Itzkovich, Y. (2015). Adjustment to college and perceptions of faculty incivility. Current Psychology. DOI 10.1007/s12144-015-9334-x Impact Factor (4 years): 0.678, Journal Rank: 3
22. *Itzkovich, Y., & Alt, D. (2015). Development and validation of a measurement to assess college students' reactions to faculty incivility. Ethics & Behavior, 26(8), 621-637. Impact Factor (4 years): 0.877, Journal Rank: 3
23. *Alt, D. (2014). Assessing the connection between students' justice experience and attitudes toward academic cheating in higher education new learning environments. Journal of Academic Ethics, 12, 113-127. Impact Factor (4 years): 0.859, Journal Rank: 2
24. *Geiger, B., & Alt, D. (2014). Haredi -Chabad women’s strengths and aspirations and acculturation experience upon accessing a non-Haredi Institution of higher education in the Northern Galilee. Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 11(1), 1 – 25.
25. *Alt, D. (2014). The construction and validation of a new scale for measuring features of constructivist learning environments in higher education. Frontline Learning Research, 2(3). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14786/flr.v2i2.68 Impact Factor (3 years): 1.670
26. *Alt, D. (2014). Using structural equation modeling and multidimensional scaling to assess students’ perceptions of the learning environment and justice experiences. International Journal of Educational Research, 69, 38–49. Impact Factor (4 years): 1.426, Journal Rank: 1
27. *Alt, D. (2014). First-year female college students' academic motivation as a function of perceived parenting styles: A contextual perspective. Journal of Adult Development, 22, 63-75. Impact Factor (3 years): 0.905, Journal Rank: 2
28. Alt. D. (2014). The contribution of constructive learning environment on democratic processes involvement. Megamot: Journal of Behavioral Science, 49(4), 775 – 795. (Hebrew) Journal Rank: B+ (accepted for publication 2012)
29. Alt, D. (2013). Media literacy instruction in the Mass-Communication curriculum for higher education in Israel. Eunim BeHinuch (Educational Studies), 7-8, 306 – 336. (Hebrew) Journal Rank: B
30. Alt, D., & Geiger, B. (2012). Goal orientations and tendency to neutralize academic cheating: An ecological perspective. Psychological Studies, 57(4), 404–416. Joint contribution. Impact Factor (3 years): 0.571, Journal Rank: 4