חוקר ומרצה בתחומים מגוונים של התנהגות ארגונית, ניהול משאבי אנוש וארגוני עבודה.
תחום המחקר שלי ממוקד בהתנהגויות סוטות בעבודה כדוגמת מה שמכונה בתקשורת "התעמרות בעבודה". מעבר לאלה אני מתעניין וחוקר את החיבור של יכולות המאה ה-21 ומשמעותם גם בהקשר של למידה והוראה וגם בהקשר הארגוני.

ד"ר איצקוביץ יריב
ראש המחלקה לניהול משאבי אנוש, מרצה בכיר
הפקולטה למדעי החברה והרוח, משאבי אנוש
.B.A בניהול משאבי אנוש
תחומי התמחות
קורסים נבחרים
מבוא לפסיכולוגיה ארגונית
אתיקה בניהול
התנהגות ארגונית מיקרו
שיטות מחקר
תפקידים נוספים
מעבר לתפקידי כראש המחלקה לניהול משאבי אנוש אני חבר בוועדת האתיקה של המכללה וחבר בועדת הוראה של המכללה.
פרסומים נבחרים
Itzkovich, Y. (2015). Uneconomic relationships: The dark side of interpersonal interactions in organizations. Tel-Aviv: Resling Press. (Hebrew)
1. Articles
2. *Itzkovich, Y., Heilbrunn, S., & Dolev, N. (2019, July). An affective events theory viewpoint of the relationship between incivility and potential outcomes. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2019, No. 1, p. 14571). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
3. *Dolev, N., & Itzkovich, Y. (2019). Rudeness is not only a kids' problem: Incivility Against Preschool Teachers and its impacts. Current Psychology.
4. *Heilbrunn, S., Itzkovich, Y., & Weinberg, C. (2018). Perceived Feasibility and Desirability of Entrepreneurship in Institutional Contexts in Transition. Entrepreneurship Research Journal (in press).
5. *Heilbrunn, S., & Itzkovich, Y. (2018). The impact of incivility and horizontal solidarity on job insecurity. The Study of the Organization and Human Resource Quarterly, 2(2), 28-39. (Hebrew).
6. *Alt, D., & Itzkovich Yariv. (2018). The connection between perceived constructivist learning environments and faculty uncivil authoritarian behaviors. Higher Education. (in press)
7. *Itzkovich, Y., Dolev, N., & Heilbrunn, S. (2018). Taking advantage of organizational power. Theory reality and coping strategies. Law and Business. (in press, Hebrew).
8. *Alt, D., & Itzkovich, Y. (2017). Cross-Validation of the Reactions to Faculty Incivility
Measurement through a Multidimensional Scaling Approach. Journal of Academic Ethics, 15(3), 215-228.
9. *Itzkovich, Y., & Klein, G. (2017). Can Incivility Inhibit Intrapreneurship? The Journal of Entrepreneurship, 26(1), 27-50.
10. Dolev, N., & Itzkovich, Y. (2016). EI in the service of selection practices of applicants for education studies. Dapim.. (Hebrew).
11. Itzkovich, Y. (2016). The victim perspective of incivility: the role of negative affectivity, hierarchical status, and their interaction in explaining victimization. International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion, 7(2), 126-142.
12. Itzkovich, Y. (2016). The impact of employees’ status on incivility, deviant behavior, and job insecurity. EuroMed Journal of Business, 11(2), 304-318.
13. Alt, D., & Itzkovich, Y. (2016). Adjustment to college and perceptions of faculty incivility. Current Psychology, 35(4), 657-666.
14. Itzkovich, Y., & Heilbrunn, S. (2016). The role of co-workers’ solidarity as an antecedent of incivility and deviant behavior in organizations. Deviant Behavior, 37(8), 861-876.
15. Itzkovich, Y., & Alt, D. (2016). Development and Validation of a Measurement to Assess College Students’ Reactions to Faculty Incivility. Ethics & Behavior, 26(8), 621-637.
16. *Itzkovich, Y., & Dolev, N. (2016). The Relationships between Emotional Intelligence and Perceptions of Faculty Incivility in Higher Education. Do Men and Women Differ? Current Psychology, 1-14.
17. Alt, D., & Itzkovich, Y. (2015). Assessing the connection between students' justice experience and perceptions of faculty incivility in higher education. Journal of Academic Ethics, 13, 121-134.
18. Itzkovich, Y. (2014). Incivility: The Moderating Effect of Hierarchical Status: Does a Manager Inflict More Damage? Journal of Management Research, 6(3), 87-98.
Book Chapters
1. *Itzkovich, Y., & Alt, D. (accepted for publication). The dark side of teachers' behavior and its impact on students' reactions: A comprehensive framework to assess college students' reactions to faculty incivility. In A. Weinberger (Ed.), Professionals ethos, and education for responsibility. Rotterdam: Sense.
2. *Itzkovich Y., & Dolev N. (accepted for publication). Incivility, Empathy, and Ethical Work Climate among Hospital Staff in Israel- A Study Within the Framework of Moral Disengagement Theory. In A. Stachowicz-Stanusch (Eds.), Contemporary Perspectives in Corporate Social Performance and Policy – The Middle Eastern Perspective. Charlotte, NC, USA: Age Publishing.
3. *Itzkovich Y., & Dolev N. (accepted for publication). Tit for Tat – Horizontal solidarity as a buffer for micro-level corruption in the framework of the social exchange theory. Charlotte, NC, USA: Age Publishing. In A. Stachowicz-Stanusch (Eds.). Anti-Corruption in Research, in Practice, and in the Classroom. Charlotte, NC, USA: Age Publishing
4. Dolev, N. & Itzkovich, Y. (accepted, last proofs). In the AI era, Soft Skills are the New Hard Skills. In A. Stachowicz-Stanusch (Ed.). Management and Business Education in the time of Artificial Intelligence. Charlotte, NC, USA: Age Publishing.
5. Dolev, N. & Itzkovich, Y. Development of Social-Emotional Skills as Part of the Ethos of Teachers In: F. Oser, K. Heinrichs, J. Bauer & T. Lovat. The Ethos of the Teacher. Springer