ד"ר אייבזו שירי

ראשת התכנית לתואר שני בניתוח התנהגות, מרצה בכירה

המחלקה לפסיכולוגיה, הפקולטה למדעי החברה והרוח
.B.A במדעי ההתנהגות, M.A בניתוח התנהגות

תחומי התמחות

ניתוח התנהגותי יישומי

קידום מיומנויות חברתיות בקרב ילדים עם התנהגויות מאתגרות והפרעות התנהגותיות רגשיות

התערבויות ניהול עצמי לפיתוח שליטה עצמית

הכשרת מורים ומומחיות בהוראה

חינוך גופני ושיפור ביצועים ספורטיביים

קורסים נבחרים

סמינר- התערבויות ניהול ושליטה עצמית
עקרונות יסוד בניתוח התנהגות


פרסומים נבחרים

Ayvazo, S., Shmuel, Y., & Bin-Nun, I. (2024). Supporting the conversational behavior of adolescents with autism spectrum disorders with self-monitoring and a video-based supplement. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1-13.‏ https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-024-06548-3

Ayvazo, S., & Naveh, M.-E. (2024). Self-monitoring and public posting improve competitive youth cyclists’ training performance. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis57(2), 394–407. https://doi.org/10.1002/jaba.1058

Ayvazo, S., Inbar-Furst, H., & Meadan, H. (2024). Training Special Education Preservice Teachers: Exploring the Use of the i-PiCS Program. Education & Treatment of Children47(1), 17–33. https://doi.org/10.1007/s43494-023-00112-x

אייבזו, ש', לוי-שני, ל' וסגור, מ' (2023). קידום של ניהול עצמי בשגרת בוקר בבית באמצעות לוח זמנים אלקטרוני של פעילות. חוקרים @ הגיל הרך, 20.59-28 ,

Keenan, M., Dillenburger, K., Konrad, M-H., Debetencourt, N., Vuksan, R., Kourea, L., Pancocha, K., Kingsdorf, S., Brandtberg, H. J., Ozkan, N., Abdelnour H., Da Costa-Meranda, M., Schuldt, S., Mellon, R., Herman, A., Tennyson, A., Ayvazo, S., Moderato, P., Attard, N., Schenk, J., Budzinska, A., Virues-Ortega, J., Roll-Pettersson, L., Strömberg, D., Wirth, S., Escane, C.,  Glaus-Stuessi, E., Moskalets, A., & Gallagher, S. (2022). Professional development of behavior analysts in Europe: A snapshot for 21 countries. Behavior Analysis in Practice. Online First, 1-22.

Ayvazo, S., Fraidlin, A., & Kankazil, M. (2022). A single case examination of token reinforcement and self-evaluation in a self-contained classroom. International Journal of Special Education, 37(1), 50-61. https://doi.org/10.52291/ijse.2022.37.26 .

Ayvazo, S., Brill, A., & Samuel-Magal, K (2022). The problem solver: A behavioral intervention for teaching problem solving to high-functioning students with autism. Teaching Exceptional Children, Online First, p 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F00400599211068444.

Ayvazo, S., Inbar-Furst, H., & Meadan, H. (2021). Technology-based model to support and enhance field experience in special education training programs in Israel. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 21(9), 15-26. https://doi.org/10.33423/jhetp.v21i9.

Inbar-Furst, H. Ayvazo, S., Yariv, E., & Aljadeff, E. (2021). Inservice teachers' self-reported strategies to address behavioral engagement in the classroom. Teaching and Teacher Education, 106, 1-10. DOI: 10.1016/j.tate.2021.103466.

Ward, P., Ayvazo, S., Dervent, F., Iserbyt, P., & Insook, K. (2021). Skill analysis for teachers: Considerations for physical education teacher education. Journal of Physical Education Recreation & Dance, 92(2), 15-21. DOI: 10.1080/07303084.2020.1853635 (Alphabetical order with exception of first author).

Inbar-Furst, H. Ayvazo, S., Meadan, H. (2021). Online training for treatment of young children with developmental delays. Researchers @ Young Age, 12, 107-140. [Hebrew חוקרים@הגיל הרך]

Ayvazo, S., Fraidlin, A., & Kankazil-Maimon, R. (2020). Promoting active responding of students with Emotional-Behavioral Disorders through behavioral strategies. Issues in Special Education and Inclusion, 30, 7-24. [ Hebrew סוגיות בחינוך מיוחד ושילוב ]

Ward, P., Ayvazo, S., Dervent, F., Iserbyt, P., & Insook, K. (2020). Instructional progression and the role of working models in physical education. Quest72(4), 410-429. DOI:10.1080/00336297.2020.1766521 (Alphabetic order).

Aljadeff-Abergel, E., & Ayvazo, A. (2020). Teaching social skills in physical education: A self-management package intervention. Education and Treatment of Children, 43, 153-170. DOI: 10.1007/s43494-020-00012-4.

Ayvazo, S., & Aljadeff-Abergel, E. (2019). Classwide peer tutoring in martial arts alternative education program: Enhancing social and psychomotor skills. Preventing School Failure63(4), 359-368. DOI: 10.1080/1045988X.2019.1619509.

Ayvazo, S. (2018). Inclusion of young children with special needs in movement settings: Between research and reality. Researchers @ Young Children, 7, 106-134. [ Hebrew חוקרים@הגיל הרך ]

Eldar, E., & Ayvazo, S., & Hirschmann, M. (2018). Descriptive analysis of the instructional control of teachers in a classroom of students with behavioral disorders. Journal of International Special Needs Education, 21, 14-20

Ward, P., & Ayvazo, S. (2016). Pedagogical content knowledge: Conceptions and findings in physical education. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 35, 194-207.

Ayvazo, S., & Eldar, E. (2016). Understanding challenging behavior: Functional behavioral assessment. Studies in Education (Iyunim Behinuch), 13-14, 422-444. [Hebrew  עיונים בחינוך]

Meadan-Kaplansky, H., & Ayvazo, S., Ostrosky, M. M. (2016). The ABCs of challenging behavior: Understanding basic concepts. Young Exceptional Children, 19, 3-15. DOI: 10.1177/1096250614523969.

Sutherland, S., Sthur, P., & Ayvazo, S. (2016). Learning to teach: Pedagogical content knowledge in adventure-based learning. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy21(3) 233-248. DOI:10.1080/17408989.2014.931365.

Ayvazo, S. (2015). Applied Behavior Analysis services in public schools in Israel: Examining functional behavior assessment processes. European Journal of Behavior Analysis, 16, 338-350

Ward, P., Ayvazo, S., Lehwald, H. (2014). Using knowledge packets in teacher education to develop pedagogical content knowledge. Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance, 85(6), 38-43. DOI:10.1080/07303084-2014.926843.

Ayvazo, S., Aljadeff-Abergel, E. (2014). Classwide peer tutoring for elementary and high school students at risk: Listening to students' voices. Support for Learning, 29(1), 76-92. DOI:10.1111/1467-9604.12047.

Aljadeff-Abergel, E., & Ayvazo, S., Eldar, E. (2012). Social skills training in natural play settings – Educating through the physical theory to practice. Intervention in School and Clinic48(2), 76-86. DOI: 10.1177/1053451212449737.

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