Page 51 - נייר מדיניות פורום המכללות הטכנולוגיות יולי 2021
P. 51

יגח םייח ר״ד
          האצרה[ טרופס יאנותיעו רטיווט רדגמ ?רבד ותואמ דוע וא יביטנרטלא חיש .)לירפאב 3 ,2023( ׳ע ,ןייטשנרבו ׳ח ,יגח

                                           .לאערזי קמע תימדקאה הללכמה .תרושקתל תילארשיה הדוגאה סנכ .]סנכב

          Hagay, H. & Bernstein, A. )2023, 25-29 May(. Alternative discourse or more of the same?
          Gender, Twitter and Sports Journalists  ]Paper presentation[. International Communication
          Association. Toronto, Canada.

          Hagay, H. & Bernstein, A. )2023, 9-13 July(. Challenging the Patriarchal Discourse in Sports
          Media: An Analysis of Israeli Journalists' Twitter Use ]Paper presentation[. International
          Association for Media and Communication Research )IAMCR(. Lyon, France.

                                                                                              :ץ"כ םיסינ ר"ד
          Katz, N. )2023(. Postcolonial theory and representations and perceptions of ethnic
          minority groups: The case of Mizrahim and Israeli Arabs on Israeli television. Journal of
          Communication Inquiry.

          Katz, N. )Forthcoming(.  “It’s not us, it’s the government”: Perceptions within a national
          minority in the mainstream media during a global pandemic—the case of Israeli Arabs and
          COVID-19. Communications.

          הפגמ ןמזב תרושקתב ויגוציי תא ימואל טועימ לש תוסיפת :"הלשממה וז ,ונחנא אל הז" .)ינויב 3 ,2023( 'נ ,ץ"כ
                                   .לאערזי קמע ,תרושקתל תילארשיה הדוגאה לש 25-ה סנכה .]סנכב האצרה[ תימלוע
          Katz, N. )2023, 25-29 May(. "It's not us, it's the government": Representations and
          perceptions of a national minority in the mainstream media during a global pandemic -

          the case of Israeli Arabs and COVID-19 ]Paper presentation[. The 73rd Conference of the
          International Communication Association.
          Katz, N. )2023, 26-28 June(. "It's not us, it's the government": Perceptions of a national
          minority in the mainstream media during a global pandemic - the case of Israeli Arabs and
          COVID-19 ]Paper presentation[. The 39th Conference of the Association for Israel Studies,
          Katz, N., Tsuriel, R., & Friedman, E. )2023, 9-13 July(. “It is only because ignorance, hatred

          and politics”: Perceptions of cultural minority of their representations in the media
          during the COVID-19 pandemic- the case of the Ultra-Orthodox community in Israel
          ]Paper presentation[. The 49th Conference of the International Association for Media and
          Communication Research, Lyon.

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