Page 42 - נייר מדיניות פורום המכללות הטכנולוגיות יולי 2021
P. 42

5 September          Tourism 2024:       Hilton Tel Aviv    Tourism trends and          Member
          2023                 research                               global changes in           of the
                               seminar on                             tourism and hospitality scientific
                               tomorrow’s                                                         committee
                               and threats
          22 December          The 62nd annual  The Hebrew                                        Organizing

          2022                 conference          University of                                  and
                               of the Israeli      Jerusalem                                      heading a
                               Geographical                                                       session on
                               Association                                                        tourism
          23-25 June 2022      The 12h             Rethymnon,         Back to the future:         Member

                               International       Crete, Greece      reconfiguring the travel  of the
                               Conferences on                         industry?                   scientific
                               Tourism )ICOT(                                                     committee
          23-25 June 2022      The 12h             Rethymnon,         Back to the future:         Organizing
                               International       Crete, Greece      reconfiguring the travel  a special
                               Conferences on                         industry?                   session on
                               Tourism )ICOT(                                                     COVID-19


          Colloquium Talks

          May 30th, 2023            Fishtail Mountain        Research seminar for  “Tourism resilience:

                                    College, Pokhara,        the Department of         the case of Nepal”
                                    Nepal                    Hospitality, Tourism
                                                             and Management
          May 28th, 2023            Janapriya Multiple       Research seminar          “Market research
                                    Campus )JMC(,            for the Department        and applied research
                                    Pokhara, Nepal           of Mountain Tourism  in tourism”

          International: Keynotes and Invited Professional Lectures
          1. Ketter, E. “European tourism trends: opportunities for Nepal tourism”. 4th Himalayan
          Travel Mart. Hotel Yak & Yeti, Kathmandu, Nepal, 6-9 June 2023.
          2. Ketter, E. “Tourism trends for 2023: Tourism in the post-COVID era”. Baltic Sea Tourism
          Forum for 2022 )by the EU Strategic Partnership for the Baltic Sea Region(. Helsinki,
          Finland. December 1st, 2022.
          3. Ketter, E. “Tourism resilience strategies: how to create crisis-proof destinations?” Korea

          Tourism Organization’s 2022 KOPIST High-Level Policy Forum. Seoul, Korea. June 21st, 2022.

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