Page 43 - נייר מדיניות פורום המכללות הטכנולוגיות יולי 2021
P. 43

Grants awarded

          Co-              Noga Colins      Analysis of            JNF )KKL(        70,000 NIS    2023
          researcher       Kreiner          senior visitors in
                                            recreational parks
                                            in Israel
          Head of          Mindhaus,        European Tourism  European              120,000       2022-2023
          Research         Greece           Trend Watch:           Travel           Euro
                                            Monitoring             Commission
                                            Sentiment for

                                            Travel )part IV
                                            research waves
          Co-              Noga Colins      Visitors’ analysis at  JNF )KKL(        40,000 NIS    2022-2023
          researcher       Kreiner          Hula Lake visitors

          Head of          Mindhaus,         Monitoring            European         60,000        2022
          Research         Greece           Sentiment for          Travel           Euro
                                            Intra-European         Commission
                                            Travel )part III
                                            research waves

          Articles in Refereed Journals

          1. Ketter, E. and Spiegel, Y. )forthcoming(. Travel sentiment of Europeans during the
          COVID-19 pandemic and the resilience of travel demand. Tourism Review International.

          Technical Reports
          1. Israel’s Nature and Parks Authority )Forthcoming(. Tourism transformation strategy:
          inbound tourism development in Israel’s leading natural sites and World Heritage Sites.

          2. European Travel Commission )2023(. Monitoring Sentiment for Domestic and Intra-
          European Travel - Wave 15, April 2023. Brussels: ETC - European Travel Commission.
          3. European Travel Commission )2023(. Monitoring Sentiment for Domestic and Intra-
          European Travel - Wave 14, February 2023. Brussels: ETC - European Travel Commission.
          ISBN no. 978-92-95107-65-6.
          4. Jewish National Fund )JNF-KKL( )2023(. Visitors’ management and optimization in the
          Hula Valley bird-watching visitors center. North district, Israel.
          5. European Travel Commission )2022(. Monitoring Sentiment for Domestic and Intra-
          European Travel - Wave 13, October 2022. Brussels: ETC - European Travel Commission.

          ISBN no. 978-92-95107-63-2.

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