Page 27 - Kinneret Academic College Amid Covid-19
P. 27

while frontal studies are suspended and what assistance is available
                     for distance learning as well as emotional support during the current
                     Covid-19 crisis.
                     With the assistance of the Planning and Budgeting Committee (PBC),
                     we were able to provide financial aid through the national emergency
                     scholarships  fund,  which  totals  approximately NIS  320,000,  to
                     students who struggled to meet their tuition payments, and we will
                     continue to assist.
                     In addition, we have a number of students who are defined as at-
                     risk or who have struggled to come to campus during this challenging
                     period for various reasons and in cases that were found justified, we
                     found each one of them an individual solution.
                     On a personal level, on behalf of the Dean’s Office staff and myself
                     personally, Covid-19 has been a period requiring us to summon our
                     own capabilities, emotions and flexibility, some of us are parents of
                     young children, some have health issues, feelings and more…. Just
                     like everyone else.
                     In order to be available to assist others we looked inward, understood
                     how this period was making us feel, what it evokes within ourselves
                     and what we need in order to cope during this period of crisis the
                     best way we know how. By looking at the situation in this way, we
                     were  able  to  better  understand  the  challenges  our  students  were
                     going through and were able to respond to their needs. I invite you
                     all to try.
                     I’d like to conclude with a Charles Darwin quote, fitting the essence
                     of our time “It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will
                     survive but those who can best manage change.”
                     Covid-19, with all the challenges it brought with it, has forced us to
                     look reality straight in the eye and to modify our habits and way of
                     thinking in order to survive better. It will definitely get better. A little
                     more patience…

                     Happy New Year
                     Silvia Kolet
                     Head of Department
                     Dean of Students

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