Page 23 - Kinneret Academic College Amid Covid-19
P. 23

And when there is no choice, you do. What do you do? The answer
                     is  -  You  Do.  But  since  we’re in  the  Department  of Quality  and
                     Reliability Engineering, after all, it’s not possible to just “do” without
                     planning,  thinking  ahead, organizing,  designing  clear procedures
                     and  instructions,  introducing  control  points  in  processes,  checking
                     “Before”, “During”  and  “After”  for  actions  and  processes  critical
                     to a system.  Quantification  of “inconsistencies”,  testing  customer
                     satisfaction,  effective  measurement for actions  and  processes,
                     continuous improvement and what not? after all, we teach that quality
                     is also “pro -Active “, meaning, the goal is to prevent unwanted actions
                     in advance, rather than encountering them later and “extinguishing
                     fires”. And many more of the same principles we, in the Department
                     of Quality and Reliability Engineering, teach our students. Who are we
                     to learn without setting a personal example? After all, it’s impossible
                     for “the shoemaker to go barefoot”!!

                     Well,  both  at the  College  and  in  our  Department (And  in  other
                     Departments) various  processes  were carried out based  on the
                     principles of quality management which we teach in our department.
                     Furthermore, from the perspective of a practitioner in the field for
                     over 25 years, these principles have emerged from various processes
                     that were carried out. It is  true, we  are always  in  the  process  of
                     performing processes trying to test classic models for the “continuous
                     improvement cycle”, advocating processes PDCA, that is: PLAN, DO,
                     CHECK, ACT. Meaning (a personal recommendation for everyone to
                     apply for themselves), first plan, then follow the plan, examine the
                     execution  (Did  you coordinate  the planning?)  And  if you  think  you
                     need to improve - make improvements. Since this cycle is not finite, it
                     must be repeated again and again without cessation.

                     Now what? It turns out that the virus is not at all familiar with this
                     cycle of “continuous improvement” and never attended classes and
                     lectures. The “Covid” student never submitted homework and did not
                     sit for tests on date A and date B. Did not even request a third test date.
                     The only thing close to a first or second date was a “first wave” and a

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