Page 20 - Kinneret Academic College Amid Covid-19
P. 20
The College during Covid-19-
Prominent figures at the college
Mordo Ezagouri
IT Department
About the Warmest and Quietest Department
Around the month of February when we sat down to eat lunch in
Deganya, and read the newspaper– which doesn’t happen in today’s
world, we discussed our thoughts out loud, but did not imagine where
we would be six months later.
Just before the first closure, was a stressful period as we did not know
exactly where we were going and how we would continue moving
forward. Preparation was at its peak, in every respect: computers for
college staff, computers for students, various and varied platforms
for working and studying from home as well as purchasing suitable
equipment. In my opinion, our team worked professionally and did
their best to overcome many of these challenges, and it was especially
felt while under a storm of telephone calls throughout most of the
day, from students as well as academic and administrative staff.
I think our biggest concern was not whether we, as a team, could
overcome the obstacles we faced, but whether others, (throughout
the college spectrum) who are not on the forefront of technology, all