Page 18 - Kinneret Academic College Amid Covid-19
P. 18

except for a few talented futurists?). Today, in a dynamic world we
                     are also expected to offer creative solutions (not regular professional
                     solutions), to communicate ideas, thoughts and products effectively
                     and  positively,  to  connect us  to  others  and  to  work  well  in  teams.
                     To cope  with  difficulties  successfully,  to be persistent  and to stay
                     optimistic  even  through  obstacles.    These  abilities  include,  based
                     on various  leading  organizations,  good  technological  and cognitive
                     capabilities, personal abilities (character) and interpersonal skills.
                     There is no doubt, however, that the most important ability during
                     the current period is the ability to be flexible, to evolve and transform
                     because what we’ve said so far is only connected to the foreseeable
                     future. Part of that flexibility depends upon our ability to continue
                     learning throughout life. According to UNESCO, this ability consists
                     of four levels: Learning to Know: the ability to learn and yearn for
                     knowledge, to be a critical and creative thinker, Learning to Do: to
                     possess advanced and applied capabilities in order to turn a theory
                     into an action, known as transferable learning, Learning to Be: to
                     personally develop and learn throughout your life, and Learning to
                     Be Together: to collaborate, to contribute to society, to accept and
                     include others.
                     This  language  also  forms  the  foundation  of  the  Department of
                     Education  and  Community’s  vision,  from the  perspective  that it  is
                     important to prepare graduates for a dynamic world.
                     On a personal level, the current period has allowed me to reexamine
                     which capabilities are necessary in a dynamic world, which ones we
                     are already developing in our students, and which ones should be
                     our next (as well as mine personally). The period also summoned the
                     opportunity, for everyone as well as myself, as we always emphasized
                     to  students,  to  strengthen  muscles  and  capabilities,  to  develop
                     flexibility  and  resilience,  optimism  and  responsibility  and  to also
                     acknowledge, to get closer and to support one another. Because as
                     they say, it’s a shame to waste a good crisis. On the College level,
                     the common denominator of all the faculties once again proved the
                     college’s special D.N.A. And there is nothing that contributes to coping
                     with crises like a sense of togetherness and mutual support.

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