Page 21 - Kinneret Academic College Amid Covid-19
P. 21

of a sudden were forced to use it on a daily basis and to completely
                     rely on it, would be able to cope with the situation. But after about
                     six  months  of  forced  progress  and  not  necessarily  voluntarily,
                     tremendous  progress,  I  feel  that  the  vast  majority  of  people  have
                     already internalized the situation and have understood that at the
                     moment this  is  the  direction  we’re headed  towards.  In  principle,
                     Covid-19 has given us all a very significant technological boost, and
                     moving forward I hope we will not regress, since we all need to know
                     how to take advantage of the many benefits technology has to offer.
                     As a team I think we have bonded even more through our desire to help
                     and support each other during these challenging months. It has been
                     conveyed on a personal and professional level and is still expressed
                     every day.  Each  team members  level  of  personal  involvement  has
                     significantly  increased,  as  has  the  availability  remotely to help  by
                     phone or through the computer.

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