Page 26 - Kinneret Academic College Amid Covid-19
P. 26

The College during Covid-19-

                     Prominent figures at the college

                                                      Silvia Kolet

                                                      Dean of Students

                                       Assistance during Covid-19

                     Wow what a year we’ve had… a challenging year by all accounts and
                     with no end in sight.
                     The 2020-2021  academic  year invites  us  to continue these many
                     challenges, but also opportunities …
                     And  as  we  bravely stood  this  past  year, we  will  continue  to  stand
                     bravely in the coming year and emerge stronger as a result of the
                     current crisis.

                     The  Dean  of  Students  is  charged  with  looking  after the  well-being
                     of students. We worked effectively, are working and will continue to
                     work around the clock in order to assist students with challenges they
                     encounter, including coping with online studies (both in terms of study
                     method and in terms of lack of technological conditions essential for
                     learning), financial difficulties due to the closures forced upon us all,
                     emotional struggles while coping with Covid-19, learning and more.
                     The Dean’s Office sent out a number of letters to students in both
                     Hebrew and Arabic  about the assistance  the department provides

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