Page 25 - Kinneret Academic College Amid Covid-19
P. 25

In  conclusion, this  unique situation  has  led  to many  insights,  the
                     ability  to  implement  and  promote many  of  the  same  changes  we
                     had already planned to carry out and for which the current situation
                     forced us to expedite their implementation. Even with the difficulties,
                     the challenges and problems which arose, for which we were never
                     supposed to encounter, the methods and tools needed to perform
                     could  have be taken from different  content  worlds  and  from the
                     Quality  Engineering  Department world,  which  imparted  (and  still
                     imparts)  both  to  academic  and  administrative  staff,  the  abilities
                     and skills they need to utilize this knowledge to try (and succeed) in
                     turning lemons into lemonade, and yet still unfinished and expected
                     to continue.........

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