Page 14 - Kinneret Academic College Amid Covid-19
P. 14

A moving/ funny event
                     Funny - Covid-19 brought with it Zoom and along with Zoom there
                     were many funny and embarrassing moments, because that’s how
                     it is when  millions  of  people  attempt to technologically  advance
                     overnight. And I too “stumbled” when my family members walked by
                     the camera just when I began to speak or when I forgot to turn off
                     the microphone when someone else spoke.  But there were funnier
                     moments than mine, for example when someone was washing dishes
                     while sitting but forgot to turn off their camera :)
                     Moving Moment - A moving moment that especially  affected  me
                     during this period was our toast to the New Year (on zoom of course)
                     for the Academic Administration team. The event started fairly formal
                     with updates and guidelines but during the second part of the event,
                     each one, in their predetermined order, was asked to say a word or
                     At the conclusion  of the event, our words  were sent  to “blessings
                     continued” which were then embroidered for the prayer of women
                     who  yearn from the  bottom of  their  hearts  for health,  a return to
                     routine, finding the good and lots of love.

                     Personal Coping and Management of the Situation
                     In  my  past,  when  I  was  in  fourth  grade,  after my  teacher  finished
                     reading my report card, my late father asked her what she had to
                     say about me beyond school grades. She answered, “your daughter
                     knows how to walk very straight”, all while illustrating with her palm
                     as  if  she  was  directing  traffic  to  continue  straight.  When  we  left,  I
                     angrily asked my father “why does she want me to go on winding
                     roads?”  and he then explained to me that that was not really what she
                     meant and that everything and every challenge in our life has several
                     possibilities, there are many ways to find a solution. Consciously or
                     not, it turns out that my father’s interpretation of my teacher became
                     my motto and over the years the “strength” the ability to be flexible
                     and adapt to changing situations received preferential treatment and


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